Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
Getting ready for the last #UX stage talk with Hugh Beyer talking about Simple methods for reliable user invlovement #Agile2012
— Eewei Chen (@Ultraman)2012-08-14 16:25:53
RT @Ultraman: Design problems need to be seen as critical bug fixes. Work with the dev team to ensure quality includes a good #UX #agile2012
— XBOSoft (@XBOSoft)2012-08-14 16:11:20
Samuel Bowles talks about bringing Pair programming practices into the #UX world #agile2012 http://t.co/E0sA0Fu1
— Eewei Chen (@Ultraman)2012-08-14 15:21:54
Lower fidelity means lower cognitive effort and design skills required. Anyone can now make suggested improvements freely. #UX #Agile2012
— Eewei Chen (@Ultraman)2012-08-14 15:11:56
RT @ChadCasady: #UX discussion getting into the passionate zone. Totally awesome. #agile2012
— Adrian Howard (@adrianh)2012-08-14 14:31:10
RT @Ultraman: Brian Sobus giving his talk on our ux stage at #agile2012 lessons learned integrating #UX in to agile teams http://t.co/pC ...
— Adrian Howard (@adrianh)2012-08-14 14:30:52
Samuel Bowles is just about to start is #UX talk about Secrets to Successful Design Pairing #agile2012 looking forward to it!
— Eewei Chen (@Ultraman)2012-08-14 14:29:54
RT @ChadCasady: #UX discussion getting into the passionate zone. Totally awesome. #agile2012
— Len Lagestee (@lagestee)2012-08-14 12:47:45
#UX discussion getting into the passionate zone. Totally awesome. #agile2012
— Chad Casady (@ChadCasady)2012-08-14 12:46:22
“@ChadCasady: UX session in Dallas 1-2 is standing room only w/ppl still filtering in. #agile2012” #ux rocks!
— Eewei Chen (@Ultraman)2012-08-14 12:21:36
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
Ultraman - 45adrianh - 33
AlexOnUX - 26
welovelean - 17
natwar86 - 16
jboogie - 14
startupSQUARE - 12
CashClamber - 12
LeanCircleSF - 10
LUXrco - 9
Most shared links
http://trik.ro/Zkbnmq - 73http://oreil.ly/18XrYCH - 17
http://bit.ly/LUBZql - 17
http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920021827.do - 15
http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920021827.do# - 14
http://www.gamedevacademy.org/lean-ux-for-beginners/ - 14
http://www.slideshare.net/romanpichler/introduction-to-the-product-canvas/ - 13
http://feltpresence.com/articles/9-what-happens-to-user-experience-in-a-minimum-viable-product - 12
http://bit.ly/11EJ16v - 10
https://neo.com/2013/01/14/running-multiple-lean-teams-at-once - 10
Related tags
UX - 1121leanstartup - 836
leanux - 235
agile - 161
Agile2012 - 91
Lean - 82
design - 70
startups - 68
MVP - 41
prodmgnt - 38