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Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @alshalloway: SAFe is a structure from which to work. it is not an end goal. Having hardening sprints when you need them is critical #ag…
— Sallyann Freudenberg (@SalFreudenberg)2013-08-06 14:40:44
RT @dominicad: Check out Conway's Law for an aha on how deeply dependent Architecture & Collaboration actually are. @tomsulston #Devops #Ag…
— Metafor Software (@metaforsoftware)2013-08-06 14:14:42
RT @tetradian: RT @nhajratw: role of the architect is to help team become responsible for creating the architecture. - @chethendrickson #ag…
— Kai Schlüter (@ChBrain)2013-08-06 12:59:12
RT @kyplayswithfire: @agile2013 Please stop @garrykirk he won't stop with his spam bots, I've already contacted the police in his area. #Ag…
— lukeptba (@lukeptba)2013-08-06 12:29:32
RT @scottwambler: @mspayd @DanMezick I would love to see Dean and Ken publicly discuss this issue, ideally on a panel at something like #ag…
— Erik Weber (@Erikjweber)2013-08-06 12:05:05
RT @scottwambler: @mspayd @DanMezick I would love to see Dean and Ken publicly discuss this issue, ideally on a panel at something like #ag…
— Chad Albrecht (@chadalbrecht)2013-08-06 12:03:44
RT @dominicad: Check out Conway's Law for an aha on how deeply dependent Architecture & Collaboration actually are. @tomsulston #Devops #Ag…
— YannPicarddeMuller (@YannPdeM)2013-08-06 11:23:39
RT @dominicad: Check out Conway's Law for an aha on how deeply dependent Architecture & Collaboration actually are. @tomsulston #Devops #Ag…
— BMC_DevOps (@BMC_DevOps)2013-08-06 10:10:55
RT @DocOnDev: I cried tears of joy reading this. "@AgileSquirrel: A letter to my first agile coach: //@DocOnDev #ag…
— Yves Hanoulle (@YvesHanoulle)2013-08-06 04:04:22
RT @jeantabaka: #empathy practices session w/ @RallySoftware colleague Robyn Mourning had ~50 people w/ 6 parallel processes. Thnx all! #ag…
— Ryan Martens (@RallyOn)2013-08-06 00:43:39
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