Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
Use a simple 1 to 3 scoring scale for each attribute 1 = low, 3 = high #pnsqc
— Josh Meier (@moshjeier)2013-10-15 16:39:04
Risk attribute examples: business, technical, external factors, e-business / failure-mode related Formula of individual scores #pnsqc
— Josh Meier (@moshjeier)2013-10-15 16:37:35
Very cool, providing actual test implementation of RBT #pnsqc
— Josh Meier (@moshjeier)2013-10-15 16:36:23
Identify Risk Attributes, Gather Risk Scoring Data, Determine Risk Score formula, Calculate distribution risk scores, recommend #pnsqc
— Josh Meier (@moshjeier)2013-10-15 16:35:39
"Come on. Someone out there does yoga; it's Portland." #pnsqc
— Mary Panza (@PanzaMary)2013-10-15 16:34:59
Awesome RT @KwalityRules: Props to whomever has the “FBI Monitor Van 6” wifi hotspot here. #pnsqc
— Josh Meier (@moshjeier)2013-10-15 16:32:20
Props to whomever has the “FBI Monitor Van 6” wifi hotspot here. #pnsqc
— Kwality Rules (@KwalityRules)2013-10-15 16:32:05
Risk Based Testing: What's the problem? Too little time for the amount of testing required. #pnsqc
— Josh Meier (@moshjeier)2013-10-15 16:31:56
Oh joy, someone wearing a perfume counter seems to have sat near me in the Mezzanine room :/ #pnsqc
— Kwality Rules (@KwalityRules)2013-10-15 16:29:22
RT @StevenJV: Great lunchtime discussion on Agile, measurements, & more with @MichaelCMah at #pnsqc
— DianaOfPortland (@DianaOfPortland)2013-10-15 16:28:18
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
moshjeier - 165umckinney - 64
PeteWalen - 57
mxmoss - 55
KwalityRules - 51
EdBrothers - 44
mkltesthead - 32
iesavage - 32
StevenJV - 30
mheusser - 29
Most shared links - 8 - 6 - 5 - 5 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 3 - 3
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PNSQC - 984Agile - 30
testing - 16
AgilePDX - 15
qa - 15
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quality - 11
PNSQC2013 - 10
ATOS12 - 8
TAOpdx - 8