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RT @freire_da_silva: #agilebr @neal4d lesson 5: don't name things for their implantation details. floppy disk save icon #fail
— Ademir José (@ademirjs)2012-09-05 12:12:02
RT @freire_da_silva: #agilebr @neal4d lesson 5: don't name things for their implantation details. floppy disk save icon #fail
— Mateus Baruffi (@mateusbaruffi)2012-09-05 10:18:58
RT @freire_da_silva: #agilebr @neal4d lesson 5: don't name things for their implantation details. floppy disk save icon #fail
— DevGrupoFortes (@DevGrupoFortes)2012-09-05 09:33:16
RT @freire_da_silva: #agilebr @neal4d lesson 5: don't name things for their implantation details. floppy disk save icon #fail
— lucabastos (@lucabastos)2012-09-05 09:21:59
RT @freire_da_silva: #agilebr @neal4d lesson 5: don't name things for their implantation details. floppy disk save icon #fail
— Agile Brazil (@agilebrazil)2012-09-05 09:21:11
#agilebr @neal4d lesson 5: don't name things for their implantation details. floppy disk save icon #fail
— Alexandre Freire (@freire_da_silva)2012-09-05 09:18:14
mais um #AgileBR que fico de fora...e esse era em sp #fail =/
— Thiago (@thdotnet)2012-09-05 08:23:12
Android #fail (detalhe q eu tb tenho um hahaha) “@_dukex: Eu uso Android, meu teclado travou /CC @yuizinha @squiter #rubyconfbr”
— Anna Cruz (@yuizinha)2012-08-31 18:28:30
O palestrante precisa pagar o aluguel! Ahahhahahahaha #rubyconfbr #fail
— Brunno dos Santos (@squiter)2012-08-31 17:12:24
#fail :-) “@shadowmaru: O Rails 4 vai facilitar muitos processos… só que vamos ter que atualizar pro Rails 3 primeiro =P #RubyConfBR”
— Lucas Caton (@lucascaton)2012-08-31 11:27:58
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