Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
"@eoi: Sobre todo, hagamos lo que hagamos, disfrutemos @nestor_guerra #LeanStartup http://t.co/ZKNFdI7atH http://t.co/rr8j41fof2" qué crack
— ALFONSO C ALONSO V. (@alfonsocalonso)2014-01-14 14:21:02
Some valuable tips regarding market validation of your #product #leanstartup http://t.co/VFggwFjAuB
— Aditi (@aditinook)2014-01-14 14:20:12
RT @TO: Probably should have mentioned to @PandoDaily there's already #LeanStartup meetups in 419 cities w/ 250k+ members. http://t.co/6tPF…
— Desi Saran (@desisaran)2014-01-14 14:16:56
Probably should have mentioned to @PandoDaily there's already #LeanStartup meetups in 419 cities w/ 250k+ members. http://t.co/6tPFoZiYkZ
— Trevor Owens (@TO)2014-01-14 14:16:29
Don't build a product unless you can validate it http://t.co/QVck7UQw3L #leanstartup #cusdev
— Robert Elm (@RobertElm)2014-01-14 14:15:31
RT @cltservices: Ce soir je parle de #LeanStartup à une soixantaine de chefs d'entreprise réunis par le #CJD 93 :-) http://t.co/RW5rOEHyqI
— Godey (@GodeyThomas)2014-01-14 14:12:54
RT @alpiazza Integrating MBA & modern #entrepreneurism http://t.co/3j9pYoS4wu #HBS #lean #leanstartup #leanagile #agile
— Natwar Maheshwari (@natwar86)2014-01-14 14:12:05
Formation #LeanStartUp au #cjd http://t.co/q1AFMUoOjY
— Psychedelic Rockstar (@MondyBmusic)2014-01-14 14:11:48
RT @cltservices: Ce soir je parle de #LeanStartup à une soixantaine de chefs d'entreprise réunis par le #CJD 93 :-) http://t.co/RW5rOEHyqI
— Bengi Rare (@bengirare)2014-01-14 14:11:46
RT @cltservices: Ce soir je parle de #LeanStartup à une soixantaine de chefs d'entreprise réunis par le #CJD 93 :-) http://t.co/RW5rOEHyqI
— Christian Baillet (@Christianmkg)2014-01-14 14:11:29
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
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Most shared links
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http://goo.gl/RSEyn - 208
http://goo.gl/S2f1t4 - 204
http://bit.ly/NCbRQM - 175
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYh4THTDg5FqcWqMMIvONagRzQpOY9Lg7 - 152
http://leancanvas.com - 118
http://bit.ly/custdevint_infographic - 110
http://a.eoi.es/eoilive - 94
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