Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @cgosimon: Waterfall allows the entire product development process to fail & nobody will be directly responsible @jeffpatton #agi ...
— Simon Baker (@energizr)2012-08-14 17:09:02
RT @testobsessed: "Self organization isn't for teams. It's for humans. It just happens most teams have people on them." @jamesshore #agi ...
— Diane Zajac-Woodie (@dianezw)2012-08-14 17:04:43
RT @grochejr: Introduce projects more frequently, monthly(?), for consideration when managing a portfolio instead of just annually. #agi ...
— Jurr Radema (@JeeJeeR)2012-08-14 16:00:13
RT @testobsessed: "Self organization isn't for teams. It's for humans. It just happens most teams have people on them." @jamesshore #agi ...
— Piotr Buda (@piotrbuda)2012-08-14 15:58:43
RT @MariaMatarelli: When does your team engage in toxic conflict? Educate team members about conflict, establish conflict protocols #agi ...
— Andrea Chiou (@andreachiou)2012-08-14 15:53:43
RT @testobsessed: "Self organization isn't for teams. It's for humans. It just happens most teams have people on them." @jamesshore #agi ...
— Mike Emry (@memry)2012-08-14 15:30:54
RT @testobsessed: "Self organization isn't for teams. It's for humans. It just happens most teams have people on them." @jamesshore #agi ...
— Ducrot Jean-François (@jfducrot)2012-08-14 15:28:10
RT @testobsessed: "Self organization isn't for teams. It's for humans. It just happens most teams have people on them." @jamesshore #agi ...
— Dale Larson (@dalelarson)2012-08-14 15:27:03
RT @testobsessed: "Self organization isn't for teams. It's for humans. It just happens most teams have people on them." @jamesshore #agi ...
— Tobias Geyer (@the_qa_guy)2012-08-14 15:24:40
RT @testobsessed: "Self organization isn't for teams. It's for humans. It just happens most teams have people on them." @jamesshore #agi ...
— cgosimon (@cgosimon)2012-08-14 15:01:21
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