Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @joPerold: 1...big take aways from #AYEconf "if you don't allow ppl to make mistakes,they can't learn from them & grow" @JerryWeinberg
— estherderby (@estherderby)2012-11-14 12:40:59
At #AYEConf I met someone else who attempts to quantify software technical debt so investors don't get ripped off. Will this catch on?
— Michael James (@michaeldotjames)2012-11-14 03:08:25
RT @mark_richdata: New blog-post up on my experience at #ayeconf http://t.co/eEYp9VU4
— AndrĂ© Heie Vik (@andrev)2012-11-13 15:03:27
RT @LDorman: Plane ride home is metaphor for #ayeconf... Travelled great distance very quickly, safely, with skilled pilots.
— miboman (@miboman)2012-11-13 12:47:18
RT @andreachiou: #Ayeconf friends: I found @leohepis here: sharing the greatest time-saving-tool of all (per Jerry) http://t.co/ABlzSy53 ...
— AndrĂ© Heie Vik (@andrev)2012-11-13 12:14:21
@mark_richdata wow, never got to #AYEconf , sounds like it was an intense experience. thx for posting
— erik petersen (@erik_petersen)2012-11-13 06:24:31
RT @mark_richdata: New blog-post up on my experience at #ayeconf http://t.co/eEYp9VU4
— erik petersen (@erik_petersen)2012-11-13 06:22:49
RT @mark_richdata: New blog-post up on my experience at #ayeconf http://t.co/eEYp9VU4
— Wayne Palmer (@waynerpalmer)2012-11-13 04:12:50
New blog-post up on my experience at #ayeconf http://t.co/eEYp9VU4
— Mark Richards (@mark_richdata)2012-11-13 02:02:48
RT @andreachiou: #Ayeconf friends: I found @leohepis here: sharing the greatest time-saving-tool of all (per Jerry) http://t.co/ABlzSy53 ...
— Deb Hartmann Preuss (@deborahh)2012-11-12 20:11:00
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
lynn_mckee - 66andreachiou - 26
JeroenVanMenen - 18
edschweppe - 15
michaeldotjames - 14
andrev - 11
joPerold - 10
henkeandersson - 10
leohepis - 10
johannarothman - 8
Most shared links
http://bit.ly/Q9Stxc - 7http://ScrumMasterChecklist.org - 3
http://amzn.com/k/y4HvmgKWQGactkVv-IKTAw - 3
https://leanpub.com/WhoIsAgile - 3
http://ScrumReferenceCard.com - 3
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fundamental_attribution_error - 2
http://www.amazon.com/Influencing-Patterns-For-Change-Dynamics/dp/1440415927 - 1
http://4sq.com/Qaz66A - 1
http://twitpic.com/baviux - 1
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OODA_loop - 1
Related tags
ayeconf - 419aye2012 - 11
agile2012 - 7
oredev - 6
esconfs - 6
systemsthinking - 4
scna - 3
leadingchange - 1
leanprocrastination - 1
btswsib - 1