Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
@RPR_Elon @lisacrispin funny. I quoted @DanielPink in my #pnsqc talk, too.
— Steven Vore (@StevenJV)2013-10-18 13:34:10
RT @StevenJV: "You can't have an Agile team if your developers aren't testing." @lanettecream #pnsqc
— JB Goulain (@jibai31)2013-10-18 05:05:39
@moshjeier ROFLMAO The cobbler's son has no shoes. #PNSQC #CountingError #End-Beg+1
— Ian E. Savage (@iesavage)2013-10-18 00:04:18
. @lanettecream: hand delivering metrics is a dangerous precedent Instead have others PULL from your one source of status & format it #pnsqc
— Steven Vore (@StevenJV)2013-10-17 18:22:31
Pouring over hundreds of images from the #pnsqc conference this week, trying to find the 10 most inspirational. No easy task.
— Dan Cook (@notfedup)2013-10-17 11:36:57
RT @StevenJV: "You can't have an Agile team if your developers aren't testing." @lanettecream #pnsqc
— Leoš Pol (@leospol)2013-10-17 05:37:45
Thanks #pnsqc for another great conference.
— Ed Brothers (@EdBrothers)2013-10-16 20:46:33
Trying to incorporate everything I learned at #pnsqc into my life.
— Mary Panza (@PanzaMary)2013-10-16 20:16:57
I felt like I should have some special tweet for my 1000, then I realized this was #1001. 3 days ago I had 500. Thanks #pnsqc!
— Josh Meier (@moshjeier)2013-10-16 18:22:54
So long #pnsqc it's been an interesting three days. Need to start thinking about abstracts for next year!
— Josh Meier (@moshjeier)2013-10-16 18:13:52
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
moshjeier - 165umckinney - 64
PeteWalen - 57
mxmoss - 55
KwalityRules - 51
EdBrothers - 44
mkltesthead - 32
iesavage - 32
StevenJV - 30
mheusser - 29
Most shared links - 8 - 6 - 5 - 5 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 3 - 3
Related tags
PNSQC - 984Agile - 30
testing - 16
AgilePDX - 15
qa - 15
ATONW - 14
quality - 11
PNSQC2013 - 10
ATOS12 - 8
TAOpdx - 8