
Recent Tweets

Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:


What can we gather from the tweets?

Most active Tweeps

OlafLewitz - 6
az1 - 5
cgosimon - 3
erik_schon - 2
pawelbrodzinski - 2
CesarIdrovo - 2
zuzuzka - 1
marcjohnson - 1
p_roessler - 1
davidjbland - 1

Most shared links - 3

Related tags

realoptions - 47
agile2013 - 19
agile2012 - 12
lkce13 - 8
AgilePrague - 5
leanstartup - 3
portfoliokanban - 3
complexity - 3
Cynefin - 2
leanprocrastinat - 2