Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
Great talk by @shs96c at #seconf2013
— santius (@santius)2013-06-12 09:41:37
Automators: We should set ourselves realistic, measurable goals. Not everything can nor should be automated. #seconf2013
— Arto Vuori (@dhpe)2013-06-11 21:52:33
#seconf2013 day 1, my highlights: Salesforce infra, "how to make a lightning talk", and the ending keynote from google. And Eero's talk :)
— Arto Vuori (@dhpe)2013-06-11 21:43:18
Signed up..Arrgyle at #SeConf2013
— feelobot (@feelobot)2013-06-11 16:44:15
Mobile testing is awesome! If only Android Emulator would work as fast as the iOS simulator… #seconf #seconf2013 #android #selenium
— testingbot (@testingb0t)2013-06-11 15:56:46
Watching the Live stream of @alan_parkinson Test Data Builder patter #seconf #seconf2013
— Manoj Kumar (@manoj9788)2013-06-11 12:20:59
RT @m8ttyb: I'm thrilled with the level of enthusiasm for automation @ #SeConf2013 but don't forget to question the why, what, and should o…
— Lorinda Brandon (@lindybrandon)2013-06-11 12:04:49
RT @m8ttyb: I'm thrilled with the level of enthusiasm for automation @ #SeConf2013 but don't forget to question the why, what, and should o…
— JeanAnn Harrison (@JA_Harrison)2013-06-11 12:00:31
I'm thrilled with the level of enthusiasm for automation @ #SeConf2013 but don't forget to question the why, what, and should of automation
— Matt Brandt (@m8ttyb)2013-06-11 11:56:18
RT @mubbashir: live-stream of of @seleniumconf is just amazing #SeConf2013
— Leo Laskin (@leolaskin)2013-06-11 11:13:35
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
mubbashir - 3feelobot - 3
manoj9788 - 3
dhpe - 3
testingb0t - 2
santius - 2
m8ttyb - 2
levchuk_dima - 2
AutomatedTester - 1
BucketDrop - 1
Most shared links - 4 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1
Related tags
seconf2013 - 41seconf - 6
se2013 - 3
GhostLove - 2
selenium - 2
hackerspace - 2
RiskMgmtProgram - 2
RisingStars - 1
cucumber - 1
Hack - 1