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@snookca, Lumberjack of #smacss fame recommends techniques for decoupling CSS from HTML. Looking forward to the workshop at #smashingconf
— Søren Birkemeyer (@polarbirke)2012-09-18 09:37:47
#DRY CSS Don't Repeat Yourself #OOCSS Object Oriented #SMACSS Scalabe & Modular Architecture #BEM Block Element Modifier You choose! #QConSP
— Leonardo Lohmann (@leolohmann)2012-08-05 12:33:31
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paulrossi - 1NerdyBirdySteph - 1
lelloavallone - 1
leolohmann - 1
_kennyglenn - 1
jbersee - 1
lhid - 1
polarbirke - 1
NileshPraj - 1
robert_chambers - 1
Most shared links - 7Related tags
SMACSS - 12smashingconf - 11
css - 7
smashingmagazine - 5
jonathansnook - 5
talk - 2
QConSP - 1
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session - 1