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Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @lunivore: This hotel is what happens when you let people play Minecraft for too long, in real life. #agile2013 #zombies #inspiring @gay…
— Claire Moss (@aclairefication)2013-08-05 01:04:58
RT @lunivore: This hotel is what happens when you let people play Minecraft for too long, in real life. #agile2013 #zombies #inspiring @gay…
— Aviva Rosenstein (@avivaUX)2013-08-05 00:57:08
This hotel is what happens when you let people play Minecraft for too long, in real life. #agile2013 #zombies #inspiring @gaylordopryland
— Liz Keogh (@lunivore)2013-08-05 00:56:02
@ericries just saw your MVP talk on MVP #leanstartup #inspiring
— Steven Solomon (@ssolo112)2013-04-07 19:28:38
Brilliant!! #inspiring DevOps Patterns Distilled at #velocityconf EU.
— Steve Austin (@Bruvva74)2012-10-04 07:02:32
We really can impact the world "Rapidly solve problems for social good" #Inspiring Thank you Joe Justice! @kiwikungfu @wikispeed #agile2012
— Maria Matarelli (@MariaMatarelli)2012-08-17 13:01:15
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
AlfredAlmendra - 1lunivore - 1
monkeyonahill - 1
NativeWired - 1
MariaMatarelli - 1
giusdesimone - 1
avivaUX - 1
SimohZaz - 1
janjadud - 1
Bruvva74 - 1
Most shared links - 1Related tags
Inspiring - 16agile2013 - 5
agiletd - 5
zombies - 4
leanstartup - 3
leanin - 1
Morocco - 1
speakers - 1
DataScience - 1
smashingconf - 1