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Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @atilafassina: Já assinou o canal do #BrazilJS no youtube? #ProTip
— Felipe Duardo (@ofelipeduardo)2013-12-04 20:19:48
Já assinou o canal do #BrazilJS no youtube? #ProTip
— Átila Fassina (@atilafassina)2013-12-02 06:03:35
Responsive web design session at #velocityconf #protip
— Michaela Murray (@MissDotNet)2013-11-15 04:51:11
RT @testerted If you don't have ISTQB and worried if resume' filters will ignore you then mention "I don't have ISTQB" #esconfs #protip
— Philippe Antras (@_philant_)2013-11-06 06:28:17
RT @claudiopro: #protip: you have to fight for your users, because they're the ones who make your job awesome #ux #jsconfeu by @chrissywelsh
— Christine Welsh (@chrissywelsh)2013-09-14 09:43:39
RT @claudiopro: #protip: you have to fight for your users, because they're the ones who make your job awesome #ux #jsconfeu by @chrissywelsh
— André Medeiros (@superdealloc)2013-09-14 09:13:39
#protip: you have to fight for your users, because they're the ones who make your job awesome #ux #jsconfeu by @chrissywelsh
— Claudio Procida (@claudiopro)2013-09-14 08:54:34
#protip for @googlechrome memory allocation debugging: always use incognito tabs to filter out noise from extensions #jsconfeu
— Claudio Procida (@claudiopro)2013-09-14 08:09:14
#ProTip: #web devs, follow the #smashingconf hashtag over the next few days. That is all. #RWD #mobile #performance #UX
— Matt Smith (@AllThingsSmitty)2013-09-09 07:36:13
RT @mheusser: #protip - use lean coffee to help explain/adopt conference ideas #cast2013 cc @AdamYuret @mattbarcomb
— Martin Burns (@martinburnsuk)2013-08-28 17:49:43
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protip - 56codemash - 7
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agile2012 - 3