Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
avelino0 - 2yourabi - 1
brunogirin - 1
shanley - 1
coreyd9225 - 1
kouriati - 1
basho - 1
_klm - 1
coderoshi - 1
peakscale - 1
Most shared links
http://slid.es/gchomatas/delivering-a-big-data-ready-minimum-viable-product - 1Related tags
riak - 11velocityconf - 2
nosql - 2
TDC2012 - 2
rabbitmq - 1
fosdem - 1
SaaS - 1
graphdb - 1
MongoDB - 1
MVP - 1