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Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @thewebvy: In March of 2010, #Pinterest had 1 MySQL database &1 engineer, today's numbers are closer to 80/25. #scalability #velocityconf
— Gene Kim (@RealGeneKim)2012-06-27 19:01:22
RT @thewebvy: In March of 2010, #Pinterest had just 1 MySQL database and 1 engineer, today's numbers are closer to 80/25. #scalability # ...
— Mark Barger (@mark_barger)2012-06-27 19:00:41
In March of 2010, #Pinterest had just 1 MySQL database and 1 engineer, today's numbers are closer to 80/25. #scalability #velocityconf
— Mike Vysocka (@thewebvy)2012-06-27 19:00:15
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
hullsean - 6rjhunter - 1
yoURDATAisyours - 1
thewebvy - 1
mark_barger - 1
petrabarus - 1
RealGeneKim - 1
DannyDouglass - 1
Most shared links - 2 - 2 - 2 - 1
Related tags
scalability - 13leanstartup - 9
Pinterest - 4
solopreneur - 4
velocityconf - 2
startups - 1
devops - 1