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RT @rajatbhalla13: @seederboard Also, MVP doesn't skimp on quality even though it is low on features. #MVP #leanstartup #startups #startupa…
— RTStartups (@RTStartups)2013-10-04 08:48:30
RT @rajatbhalla13: @seederboard Also, MVP doesn't skimp on quality even though it is low on features. #MVP #leanstartup #startups #startupa…
— Startup ReTweeter (@StartupTweetSF)2013-10-04 08:43:27
RT @ahtay: A startup goal: scalable user growth. If you have user growth but ain't scalable, pivot solution process. #leanstartup #startupa…
— Startups Retweeter (@startups_rt)2013-10-01 22:15:52
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GCStartup - 1jordesign - 1
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ColinKinner - 1
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leanstartup - 13startupa - 13
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