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RT @DaemonSteve: "No one want to know the average temp of all patients in a hospital. We want to know who has a fever" #wisewords #Veloc ...
— Dits kenny (@kenny_dee)2012-06-25 19:18:52
"No one want to know the average temp of all patients in a hospital. We want to know who has a fever" #wisewords #VelocityConf
— Steve Bennett (@DaemonSteve)2012-06-25 19:18:29
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Most active Tweeps
ShathaAlmazrou - 1mark_barger - 1
kimbocake - 1
DaemonSteve - 1
DRAskew1 - 1
rjhunter - 1
tamralaurangecl - 1
kenny_dee - 1
C_Duv - 1
MichaelASeifert - 1
Most shared links
https://medium.com/spook-studio/25b830afbd84 - 1Related tags
wisewords - 12leanstartup - 6
Veloc - 5
SVA2013 - 1
entrepreneurs - 1
VelocityConf - 1
goodread - 1
ux - 1
startups - 1