Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @romanpichler: New blog post: Succeeding with Innovation and Maintenance http://t.co/5jY7g8SmOs #agile #prodmgnt #innovation #scrum #lea…
— Mark Evans (@oscsparky)2013-08-06 04:57:20
RT @StartupTrack: IBM is undergoing a transformation lead by Lean UX and Design Thinking @quicola tells you how http://t.co/azqmHqynZV #lea…
— -Xv (@XavierVerges)2013-08-04 13:08:59
RT @StartupTrack: IBM is undergoing a transformation lead by Lean UX and Design Thinking @quicola tells you how http://t.co/azqmHqynZV #lea…
— Ariadna Font (@quicola)2013-08-04 12:45:27
RT @StartupTrack: IBM is undergoing a transformation lead by Lean UX and Design Thinking @quicola tells you how http://t.co/azqmHqynZV #lea…
— Justin Bacon (@Justin_Bacon)2013-08-03 19:09:11
RT @StartupTrack: IBM is undergoing a transformation lead by Lean UX and Design Thinking @quicola tells you how http://t.co/azqmHqynZV #lea…
— Adrian Howard (@adrianh)2013-08-03 12:06:07
RT @BoltAcc: Create your @NubblerCom and open the #NetWorking doors! http://t.co/VjqBFiSNku @BoltAcc #StartUps #entreprenur #investors #Lea…
— Manuel Monserrate (@Manu_Monserrate)2013-08-02 11:23:11
RT @BoltAcc: Create your @NubblerCom and open the #NetWorking doors! http://t.co/VjqBFiSNku @BoltAcc #StartUps #entreprenur #investors #Lea…
— RTStartups (@RTStartups)2013-08-02 07:23:33
RT @BoltAcc: Create your @NubblerCom and open the #NetWorking doors! http://t.co/VjqBFiSNku @BoltAcc #StartUps #entreprenur #investors #Lea…
— Startup ReTweeter (@StartupTweetSF)2013-08-02 07:13:17
RT @BoltAcc: Create your @NubblerCom and open the #NetWorking doors! http://t.co/VjqBFiSNku @BoltAcc #StartUps #entreprenur #investors #Lea…
— Julian Perez (@Largocreatura)2013-08-02 07:07:11
RT @BoltAcc: Create your @NubblerCom and open the #NetWorking doors! http://t.co/VjqBFiSNku @BoltAcc #StartUps #entreprenur #investors #Lea…
— Jesús Ruiz (@lordnoak)2013-08-02 07:01:37
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
davidjbland - 8RTStartups - 7
startups_rt - 6
StartupTweetSF - 4
ericries - 3
arkchallenge - 2
andrewhomeyer - 2
adrianh - 2
Pv - 2
ashmaurya - 2
Most shared links
http://raywu.co/WCee4J - 15http://bit.ly/UovqM9 - 7
http://tinyurl.com/adwo482 - 6
http://runninglean-paris.eventbrite.com - 5
http://bit.ly/RmYTmt - 5
http://buff.ly/GLFcYc - 5
http://www.meetup.com/Bay-Area-Software-Testers/events/152668982/ - 5
http://startupfocusbootcamp.eventbrite.com/ - 5
http://www.designthinkersacademy.com/stakeholder-mapping-at-dt-academy/ - 4
http://goo.gl/Xsw6Gs - 4
Related tags
Lea - 401startup - 30
startups - 17
custdev - 14
LeanStartup - 12
entrepreneur - 11
agile - 10
founder - 7
runninglean - 7
entreprenur - 6