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Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
Descordo, não é falta de tempo. Não é preciso levar a matéria a fundo, mas não tocar no assunto durante N anos de curso = #fail #TDC2012
— Rúben Lício Reis (@rubenlr)2012-07-05 17:47:53
Porque as faculdades de TI não falam nada de #ALM? Preparar profissional de desenvolvimento sem falar de #ALM = #FAIL #TDC2012
— Rúben Lício Reis (@rubenlr)2012-07-05 17:46:09
RT @jhulten: Twitter is the ultimate medium for casual hate. Think twice before using #fail. #VelocityConf @adamhjk
— Abe Hassan (@burr86)2012-06-27 20:53:56
RT @jhulten: Twitter is the ultimate medium for casual hate. Think twice before using #fail. #VelocityConf @adamhjk
— iandelahorne (@iandelahorne)2012-06-27 20:51:17
Twitter is the ultimate medium for casual hate. Think twice before using #fail. #VelocityConf @adamhjk
— Jeffrey Hulten (@jhulten)2012-06-27 20:49:12
"New Era at GoDaddy"?? really? CIO opens his #velocityconf talk w/"apology" for not having a godaddy girl on stage w/him. #fail
— leighd2k (@leighd2k)2012-06-27 13:07:27
Sitting through ad for Chrome #velocityconf #fail
— Paul Muller (@xthestreams)2012-06-26 12:55:13
Prepping for postmortems that take several weeks seem like a bad idea #fail #velocityconf
— Josh Bancroft (@warezwaldo)2012-06-25 18:00:34
What can we gather from the tweets?
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CesarIdrovo - 2
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fail - 218leanstartup - 31
agile2012 - 23
CPRecife - 23
CodeMash - 18
qconsp - 15
TDC2012 - 12
fisl13 - 11
yahoo - 10
agileBR - 10