Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @thetwinengine: Twin Engine Labs: Why and How to Launch a Software Startup Without Writing Code http://t.co/WXPHHRGd8H #leanstartup #MVP…
— Flyplyst (@flyplyst)2013-11-08 14:32:20
RT @thetwinengine: Twin Engine Labs: Why and How to Launch a Software Startup Without Writing Code http://t.co/WXPHHRGd8H #leanstartup #MVP…
— Ryan Smith (@ryan_twinenglab)2013-11-08 14:13:43
RT @bobby_paterson: Invaluable #Custdev session on @LeanSalesPanel at @durhamlane - awesome learnings and insights! #leanstartup
— Lean Sales Panel (@LeanSalesPanel)2013-11-08 14:02:41
RT @bobby_paterson: Invaluable #Custdev session on @LeanSalesPanel at @durhamlane - awesome learnings and insights! #leanstartup
— Lean Sales Panel (@LeanSalesPanel)2013-11-08 14:01:50
Customer Development goldmine in @mfishbein’s new free book - get out of the building! http://t.co/tLMxkHA8EC #lean #leanstartup
— Alex Topiler (@topilarity)2013-11-08 13:41:49
Top 10 Startup Mistakes - The #Startup Saga - Episode 1 by @danielgarplid #leanstartup #entrepreneur http://t.co/Zvx0yR3aA0 via @SlideShare
— Daniel Garplid (@danielgarplid)2013-11-08 13:34:48
Are you in Dallas and interested in #LeanStartUp methodology? Join @ggaessler on 11/20 at @theDECtx https://t.co/aLHlqobrd8
— Cloud Elements (@CloudElements1)2013-11-08 13:30:32
@StartupCampSK Thanks for the kind mention! Proud to be able to write about the #LeanStartup Conference scholarships - a great program.
— Lisa Regan (@mybldanube)2013-11-08 13:21:20
RT @opatan: Top Ten #LeanStartup Tweets, November 2nd – 7th http://t.co/o1pYQzZgZt #prodmgmt #CustDev #BMGen #LeanUX
— i1Mahyar (@i1Mahyar)2013-11-08 13:19:20
RT @LeanCircle: Top Ten #leanstartup Tweets, November 2nd – 7th via leancircle http://t.co/vp2NVsm9vJ #leanstartup
— James Saliba (@JamesSaliba)2013-11-08 13:13:08
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
leanstartup - 1245LeanStartStream - 1227
startups_rt - 653
natwar86 - 629
Trep_Ed - 610
Equitylancer - 605
davidjbland - 594
yoemprendo - 440
ericries - 410
BrandBizy - 403
Most shared links
http://www.brandbizy.com - 1125http://bit.ly/xwGsBL - 758
http://tinyurl.com/adwo482 - 225
http://goo.gl/RSEyn - 208
http://goo.gl/S2f1t4 - 204
http://bit.ly/NCbRQM - 175
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYh4THTDg5FqcWqMMIvONagRzQpOY9Lg7 - 152
http://leancanvas.com - 118
http://bit.ly/custdevint_infographic - 110
http://a.eoi.es/eoilive - 94
Related tags
leanstartup - 86119startup - 7562
CustDev - 4122
startups - 3598
lean - 2061
Entrepreneur - 2034
agile - 1765
bmgen - 1627
business - 1569
Innovation - 1329