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@ssacard Hem Seb, no need to extensively practice #leanstartup to assess a business opportunity before launching a venture, hopefully ;)
— Yves Peynaud (@ypconsulting)2013-11-08 12:24:50
Actionable Growth Hacking Tactics http://t.co/iyJm6tAIjU #startup #entrepreneur #leanstartup #founder #smallbusiness #smb #incubator
— EquityLancer (@EquityLancer)2013-11-08 12:20:57
@chadoconnor Thanks for the mention! -- Is there really such a thing as free tech help? Apparently, yes! #500Hrs #Startups #leanstartup...
— 500Hrs (@500Hrs)2013-11-08 12:20:42
@chadoconnor Thanks for the mention! -- Is there really such a thing as free tech help? Apparently, yes! #500Hrs #Startups #leanstartup...
— causecode (@causecode)2013-11-08 12:20:42
Leadership requires creating conditions that enable employees to do the kinds of experimentation that entrepreneurship requires #leanstartup
— egino (@egino)2013-11-08 12:15:44
Agregando valor ao seu negócio! http://t.co/OSsYvInp3K via @crmzensimples Do camarote para o mundo dos negócios. #leanstartup
— joaquimlopes (@joaquimlopes)2013-11-08 12:14:18
RT @MarkGraban: New #LeanMeme! Nunchuck skills, bowhunting skills, Lean Skills http://t.co/D12Nc8PrEY #lean #leanstartup
— Karen Martin (@KarenMartinOpEx)2013-11-08 12:02:13
A crisp understanding of Location Based Advertising http://t.co/VsBm128o8R #startup #mobilemarketing #Leanstartup..
— AD-Vic Marketing (@AD_VicSocial)2013-11-08 11:54:39
Customer Development en masse: How GuideStar built an 850 member #LeanStartup advisory panel w/o spending a dime. http://t.co/xst8s2YFCU...
— Arin Sime (@ArinSime)2013-11-08 11:46:20
Twin Engine Labs: Why and How to Launch a Software Startup Without Writing Code http://t.co/WXPHHRGd8H #leanstartup #MVP #custdev
— Twin Engine Labs (@thetwinengine)2013-11-08 11:41:39
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