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Minimum Viable Product is about not wasting your life http://t.co/3PjhTAI0MN #prodmgmt #leanstartup — By @tommyrva, via @shardulmehta
— Philipp Müller (@philipp_mueller)2013-11-08 06:21:03
I'm at @romanpichler's Agile Product Planning course - how to extend agile approach with #custdev and #leanstartup http://t.co/XaS8SO2kgO
— Sofia Zab (@sofiazab)2013-11-08 06:21:01
Lean Startup for Project Managers http://t.co/e2vfaxulJI #leanstartup #pmot
— heiko (@bartlog)2013-11-08 06:17:56
Invaluable #Custdev session on @LeanSalesPanel at @durhamlane - awesome learnings and insights! #leanstartup
— Bobby Paterson (@bobby_paterson)2013-11-08 06:10:00
“It is apparent that what traditional #Agile is missing is focus on quantifiable business value #Evo #LeanStartup #OutcomeVsOutput”
— kluak110 (@kluak110)2013-11-08 06:07:14
The Ultimate Guide to Minimum Viable Product.How to Build a Scalable Business http://t.co/W6KGw516mx vía @vladblagi #leanstartup #mvp
— Jose A. de Miguel (@yoemprendo)2013-11-08 06:05:29
#StartUp : comment adopter la méthode "#lean" ? | http://t.co/LjrKq4HhmD #LeanStartUp #entreprendre v/ @JDNebusiness
— Claire Do (@clrdo)2013-11-08 06:02:58
How To Interview Your Users And Get Useful Feedback #leanstartup http://t.co/vaoZ1hM3Ox
— Jérémy DECOOL (@jdecool)2013-11-08 05:35:31
Most of what I do is wrong. But I have to do it so that others can tell me what's better. So maybe it wasn't wrong after all? #leanstartup
— Adam Jorlen (@adamjorlen)2013-11-08 05:31:31
#LeanStartup mindset: être prêt à bousculer son idée initiale et changer de cap
— Dragoş Dreptate (@ddreptate)2013-11-08 05:25:45
What can we gather from the tweets?
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Most shared links
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http://goo.gl/RSEyn - 208
http://goo.gl/S2f1t4 - 204
http://bit.ly/NCbRQM - 175
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYh4THTDg5FqcWqMMIvONagRzQpOY9Lg7 - 152
http://leancanvas.com - 118
http://bit.ly/custdevint_infographic - 110
http://a.eoi.es/eoilive - 94
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