Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @leanstartup: "How Validation and Vision Co-Exist," #LeanStartup session with Andres @glusman Monday, December 9, 4:20pm http://t.co/K5G…
— Silicon Europe Daily (@siliconeurope)2013-11-07 16:19:56
RT @codebyts: What would you like to improve today? #kaizen #KaizenBiz #leanstartup #lean #gemba #process #management #improve #life #workl…
— TJ Gokcen (@tjgokcen)2013-11-07 16:12:16
How We Built a Lean Startup Inside a 200 Person Company http://t.co/iErokm1nV4 #leanstartup by @Foordstaress @Zendesk
— Clevertech (@Clevertech)2013-11-07 16:04:06
"How Validation and Vision Co-Exist," #LeanStartup session with Andres @glusman Monday, December 9, 4:20pm http://t.co/K5GBDEhVjF
— The Lean Startup (@leanstartup)2013-11-07 16:01:27
"If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse" #Drucker #LeanStartUp http://t.co/7usaFuSUf7
— pedroneiraf (@pedroneiraf)2013-11-07 15:51:18
Merci aux organisateurs pour #ATLille Merci aux speakers. Une bonne conférence sur l'#agile le #leanStartup et le #craftmanship
— Alexandre Dutriaux (@Guepi)2013-11-07 15:48:45
RT @BriibeHQ: Do you take bribes (for charity)? See our beta and leave feedback at http://t.co/45wa6wk1Dc #startup #beta #leanstartup #twit…
— Nitya (@nityaak)2013-11-07 15:46:12
How I started @AmbiziRecords? As lean as possible! I knew nothing about the #EDM industry. I had a "why" and went for it. #LeanStartup #Grow
— Mike Linnemans (@MikeLinnemans)2013-11-07 15:38:49
RT @shardulmehta: Don’t make the mistake of overlooking your Minimum Viable Segment http://t.co/oE8DgEqHL7 #prodmgmt #leanstartup
— Radiant Minds (@RadiantMindsHQ)2013-11-07 15:15:13
Do you take bribes (for charity)? See our beta and leave feedback at http://t.co/45wa6wk1Dc #startup #beta #leanstartup #twitter #socent
— Briibe (@BriibeHQ)2013-11-07 15:06:32
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