Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
Schedule 30 minutes help with some of the best on #Startup #Rails, #LeanStartup, and #CustDev here https://t.co/OsdG2bNtgG
— Ray Wu (@raywu)2013-11-07 08:08:10
#Startups How To Get 100K Free Off The Government C/o @bullethq #web #leanstartup #bootstrap #irishtimes http://t.co/6HwAec9dot
— Trainer Compare (@TrainerCompare)2013-11-07 08:06:57
#bomdia, já leu nosso post com uma bela dica para quem está iniciando sua #startup? http://t.co/brF3NCYjKC #leanstartup #empreendedorismo
— CODELAND (@CODELANDdev)2013-11-07 08:00:01
Don’t make the mistake of overlooking your Minimum Viable Segment http://t.co/oE8DgEqHL7 #prodmgmt #leanstartup
— Shardul Mehta (@shardulmehta)2013-11-07 07:40:36
How Evanto built a #leanstartup inside a 200 person company - the interesting case of Microlancer - http://t.co/5xvOcWd2Jg #startup
— Nicolas Finet (@NicolasFinet)2013-11-07 07:37:03
RT @nrichand: Empathy map & lean canvas fait. Interviews planifiées. Next step : MVP! #leanstartup http://t.co/22q2RdDmtK
— Bertrand Uhrig (@estrebet)2013-11-07 07:32:37
marketing 4P & #BMC are in sync, #leanstartup+#custdev=classic marketing! http://t.co/SjIz4tVyzN #inventingawheel #mkaptur @AlexOsterwalder
— Piotr Wilam (@piotrwilam)2013-11-07 07:19:30
marketing 4P and #BMC are in sync! #leanstartup+#custdev=50% of classical marketing:) http://t.co/SjIz4tVyzN #inventingawheel
— Piotr Wilam (@piotrwilam)2013-11-07 07:16:52
RT @yoemprendo: "Don't ask if they'll use your product in the future. Instead, look for evidence in their past" vía @ashmaurya #leanstartup
— Guillermo Poveda (@gpoveda)2013-11-07 07:04:47
How @Dropbox started as a minimal viable product http://t.co/nprQRtMtXR @ceekayvilla @Kinyanjui_N @be83tty #leanstartup
— Charles Chuck (@chalchuck)2013-11-07 06:59:39
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
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Most shared links
http://www.brandbizy.com - 1125http://bit.ly/xwGsBL - 758
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http://goo.gl/RSEyn - 208
http://goo.gl/S2f1t4 - 204
http://bit.ly/NCbRQM - 175
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYh4THTDg5FqcWqMMIvONagRzQpOY9Lg7 - 152
http://leancanvas.com - 118
http://bit.ly/custdevint_infographic - 110
http://a.eoi.es/eoilive - 94
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