Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
"Punto y seguido: historias de cumpleaños y transformaciones." http://t.co/C7GEBKAW0J #lean #leanstartup
— Osenseis (@Osenseis)2013-11-06 08:48:20
RT @Tidepool_org: @AlexOsterwalder in the house with @sgblank at our UCSF Lean Launchpad class #LeanStartup http://t.co/lXV5XwY1Qr
— Mia B. Alianio (@MiaBAlianio)2013-11-06 08:47:34
RT @SarahM: Journalists/bloggers interested in attending the #LeanStartup Conference – email debbie@leanstartup.co for press pass info
— marci alboher (@heymarci)2013-11-06 08:45:23
#leanstartup anyone? “@thedailybeast: Notes Show Obamacare Chaos http://t.co/MdyocqBB4S #cheatsheet”
— Adejire Bademosi (@adejirebademosi)2013-11-06 08:44:00
van #Leanstartup weer even verdiepen in de materie van #Lean bij #KPMG
— Karen van der Kolk (@KarenvdK)2013-11-06 08:13:41
RT @leanstartup: The #LeanStartup Conference program is now live. What a great line-up. http://t.co/6I6HeifU06
— Erik Reinertsen (@erikreinertsen)2013-11-06 08:03:53
+1 to the students who came out for workshop 2 at @SHU yesterday 1.5hrs and a game was built. #Windows start working on #mvp #leanstartup
— Joshua Drew (@jdruid)2013-11-06 08:02:00
@nico_somb la honte, j'ai toujours pas avancé sur notre projet secret! Mais en fait, on va gagner bcp de temps. tu connais #leanstartup ?
— Jean-Michel Fayard (@jm_fayard)2013-11-06 07:54:02
Post novo em nosso blog! @patrickemuller fala sobre o que é importante no início de um produto. Confira: http://t.co/brF3NCYjKC #leanstartup
— CODELAND (@CODELANDdev)2013-11-06 07:47:53
Top #Startup #LeanStartup Tweets Last Week http://t.co/rucEeQIhoo HT @chrija @hsukenooi
— Giles Farrow (@SmartSoftMarket)2013-11-06 07:33:08
What can we gather from the tweets?
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Most shared links
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http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYh4THTDg5FqcWqMMIvONagRzQpOY9Lg7 - 152
http://leancanvas.com - 118
http://bit.ly/custdevint_infographic - 110
http://a.eoi.es/eoilive - 94
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