Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
My latest upload : Si fa presto a dire startup - SMAU MILANO 2013 on @slideshare http://t.co/SKC2bMimlU #leanstartup #smau #smaumi13
— Gino Tocchetti (@ginotocchetti)2013-11-06 07:28:40
MUST!! O'Reilly Webcast: Understanding the Value of Lean Analytics http://t.co/2FXH2Y9hRY #leanstartup #metrics
— Jose A. de Miguel (@yoemprendo)2013-11-06 07:25:07
Los 3 finalistas del @spirateszgz recibirán un ejemplar del Manual del #Emprendedor http://t.co/rMUJVCrZZM #custdev #leanstartup
— Jose A. de Miguel (@yoemprendo)2013-11-06 07:17:36
RT @agabrillagues: Leçons tirées de la conférence #LeanStartup de @ashmaurya : http://t.co/JwndaYVevL
— Isabelle Blasquez (@iblasquez)2013-11-06 07:07:36
RT @yoemprendo: Using #Storyboards to Energize Your Agile User Stories http://t.co/788x99hzM1 #custdev #leanstartup
— Christian P Seligman (@PiraSeligman)2013-11-06 06:51:51
RT @BrandBizy: http://t.co/YkgKwY0TFD is for sale visit http://t.co/iCNP2S3Fzr #domain #domains #brands #startup #funding #LeanStartUp #l…
— Domain Names (@branddomainname)2013-11-06 06:49:49
Was ist #LeanStartup? http://t.co/uB7ur8jayv #startup #innovation by @itagile
— heiko (@bartlog)2013-11-06 06:49:36
Lunch mit @matsvikene & @Johannhartmann über #LessonsLearned bei #LeanStartup jenseits von MVP, MMF und Metriken
— Albrecht Günther (@albrechtg)2013-11-06 06:43:32
Using #Storyboards to Energize Your Agile User Stories http://t.co/788x99hzM1 #custdev #leanstartup
— Jose A. de Miguel (@yoemprendo)2013-11-06 06:40:10
Another Day, Another Product Canvas by @johnpeltier http://t.co/1ME8YQiSUN #prodmgmt #leanstartup
— Shardul Mehta (@shardulmehta)2013-11-06 06:35:33
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
leanstartup - 1245LeanStartStream - 1227
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davidjbland - 594
yoemprendo - 440
ericries - 410
BrandBizy - 403
Most shared links
http://www.brandbizy.com - 1125http://bit.ly/xwGsBL - 758
http://tinyurl.com/adwo482 - 225
http://goo.gl/RSEyn - 208
http://goo.gl/S2f1t4 - 204
http://bit.ly/NCbRQM - 175
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYh4THTDg5FqcWqMMIvONagRzQpOY9Lg7 - 152
http://leancanvas.com - 118
http://bit.ly/custdevint_infographic - 110
http://a.eoi.es/eoilive - 94
Related tags
leanstartup - 86119startup - 7562
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Innovation - 1329