Recent Tweets
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Busy day today. Build of 1st MVP coming on nicely + hunt for cofounder this evening. #LeanStartup
— Alan Ward (@alanward)2013-11-06 06:32:22
Bob Dorf : les conseils du gourou aux #startups http://t.co/BGT4dxOZ1F via @EchosBusiness #leanstartup #businessmodel #pivot etc...
— Rodolphe UHLMANN (@RodolpheUhlmann)2013-11-06 06:22:33
#Failure, #LeanStartup: "When a great product hits the funding crunch" http://t.co/FPOWmwPBdB @andrewchen
— BerlinUp! (@BerlinUp)2013-11-06 06:10:56
Leçons tirées de la conférence #LeanStartup de @ashmaurya : http://t.co/JwndaYVevL
— Anne Gabrillagues (@agabrillagues)2013-11-06 05:45:31
Disagree? @JSchwanenberg: @Peterstern at #mikesroom: If you go strictly by #leanstartup you can build apps a kid could make. #webit
— Ai Ching Goh (@ACGoh)2013-11-06 05:41:28
Entrepreneuriat: Effectuation et lean startups, points communs et différences : http://t.co/7neb4He6bB via @pearltrees #leanstartup
— Laurent Roger (@lc3t35)2013-11-06 05:40:50
"Even when a large batch system is malfunctioning, we have a tendency to blame ourselves." ~ Eric Ries #leanstartup #Agile
— Neil Killick (@neil_killick)2013-11-06 05:33:55
It's not just about Customer Development. http://t.co/Jwggs0qNwH #leanstartup #customerdevelopment
— heiko (@bartlog)2013-11-06 05:29:33
Lean Enterprise Anti-Pattern: The Lean Waterfall http://t.co/x9rvmyZMUb via @TriKro #leanstartup
— Jose A. de Miguel (@yoemprendo)2013-11-06 05:25:21
India launches rocket to mars at 1/10 NASA's budget. Is India LEANER than USA. Answer in http://t.co/1ixRXYexlo #leanstartup #lean #MVP
— Matías Hernández (@MatiasHVW)2013-11-06 05:19:09
What can we gather from the tweets?
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Most shared links
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http://a.eoi.es/eoilive - 94
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