Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
Tweet to @scottflyplyst or @FlyplystMaven to join our crew of #EarlyAdopters! #Startup #leanstartup #Flyplyst #AllTheCoolKidsAreDoingIt
— Flyplyst (@flyplyst)2013-11-05 14:28:02
Our 1st Cohort of #EarlyAdopters was so great, we need a 2nd! New Design, New Features, New Feedback Loop! #BuildMeasureLearn #leanstartup
— Flyplyst (@flyplyst)2013-11-05 14:26:11
I'm going to attend @LeanLaunchFest on 21st of November at #Helsinki #oops #leanstartup
— Rauno Huttunen (@RaunoHuttunen)2013-11-05 14:22:31
Flyplyst is excited to be traveling to New Orleans this week for meetings about our future. #Startup #leanstartup
— Flyplyst (@flyplyst)2013-11-05 14:21:23
Empiezan las charlas en #pipocaGO. Ahora #leanstartup con @bernascjj http://t.co/QSDASkHsfK
— Pipoca (@PipocaCoworking)2013-11-05 14:12:53
RT @JTrichot: #RawDataHunter Mon nouvel article sur les leçons tirées de la conférence #LeanStartup à #Lille http://
— autour2moi Lille (@autour2lille)2013-11-05 14:12:13
RT @DeePatience: Good job NMV director @christiegeorge on #leanstartup for social impact http://t.co/Fj2TVBCYI3 @leanstartup @leanimpact
— The Lean Startup (@leanstartup)2013-11-05 14:10:30
Good job NMV director @christiegeorge on #leanstartup for social impact http://t.co/Fj2TVBCYI3 @leanstartup @leanimpact
— Dee Patience (@DeePatience)2013-11-05 14:09:46
Empieza la presentación de @bernascjj sobre #leanstartup en la inauguración de @PipocaCoworking #pipocaGO
— Mariajo Maroto (@MjoMaroto)2013-11-05 14:08:27
RT @GlobalGiving: 10 changemakers using #LeanStartup methods for greater social impact: http://t.co/gkZsuIhBMG via @kanter
— Roamies Retweets (@ROAMIEsRTs)2013-11-05 14:05:32
What can we gather from the tweets?
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Most shared links
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http://goo.gl/RSEyn - 208
http://goo.gl/S2f1t4 - 204
http://bit.ly/NCbRQM - 175
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYh4THTDg5FqcWqMMIvONagRzQpOY9Lg7 - 152
http://leancanvas.com - 118
http://bit.ly/custdevint_infographic - 110
http://a.eoi.es/eoilive - 94
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