Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
Links to all of the speaker's slide decks can be found here: https://t.co/TwLUPNMmCW #kalx13
— kalamazoox (@kalamazoox)2013-08-08 09:35:23
RT @kalamazoox: The final two videos from #kalx13 will be published tomorrow morning.
— Romoku (@Romoku)2013-08-08 09:34:33
The final two videos from #kalx13 will be published tomorrow morning.
— kalamazoox (@kalamazoox)2013-08-08 09:34:03
RT @kalamazoox: Here's your second video for today! @searls discussing "office politics for the thin-skinned developer" from #kalx13 http:/…
— Dave Mosher (@dmosher)2013-08-08 09:33:45
RT @kalamazoox: Here's your second video for today! @searls discussing "office politics for the thin-skinned developer" from #kalx13 http:/…
— test double (@testdouble)2013-08-08 09:32:23
RT @kalamazoox: Here's your second video for today! @searls discussing "office politics for the thin-skinned developer" from #kalx13 http:/…
— Romoku (@Romoku)2013-08-08 09:31:37
RT @kalamazoox: Here's your second video for today! @searls discussing "office politics for the thin-skinned developer" from #kalx13 http:/…
— Michael Eaton (@mjeaton)2013-08-08 09:28:35
Here's your second video for today! @searls discussing "office politics for the thin-skinned developer" from #kalx13 http://t.co/eWZroywtKh
— kalamazoox (@kalamazoox)2013-08-08 09:28:30
RT @kalamazoox: First video to start your Thursday morning - @brianhprince talking about "The Gamification of Our World" from #kalx13 http:…
— Michael Wood ☁ (@mikewo)2013-08-08 09:27:12
RT @kalamazoox: First video to start your Thursday morning - @brianhprince talking about "The Gamification of Our World" from #kalx13 http:…
— Michael Eaton (@mjeaton)2013-08-08 09:26:38
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
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_neckbeard - 28
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Most shared links
http://jennessdesigns.zenfolio.com/kalamazoox - 7http://goo.gl/fb/1DZeo - 6
http://bit.ly/YHi17I - 5
http://vimeo.com/kalamazoox/spoiled-milk - 4
http://vimeo.com/kalamazoox/breathe - 4
https://speakerdeck.com/jeffblankenburg/you-have-too-much-time - 3
http://instagram.com/p/YDHA3PH0pi/ - 3
https://speakerdeck.com/jenmyers/the-superheros-guide-to-avoiding-community-burnout - 3
http://vimeo.com/kalamazoox/find-your-happy - 3
http://vimeo.com/kalamazoox/too-busy - 2
Related tags
kalx13 - 771mindBlo - 8
truth - 5
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