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Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @LeanHelsinki: Out of the building, squared @LeanHelsinki #leanstartup #leanhelsinki @LeanHelsinki http://t.co/7e3eIs8Abc
— Jussi Markula (@jussimarkula)2013-09-15 05:53:37
RT @LeanHelsinki: Out of the building, squared @LeanHelsinki #leanstartup #leanhelsinki @LeanHelsinki http://t.co/7e3eIs8Abc
— Mikko Ruokojoki (@mikruo)2013-09-14 17:07:31
Out of the building, squared @LeanHelsinki #leanstartup #leanhelsinki @LeanHelsinki http://t.co/7e3eIs8Abc
— Lean Helsinki (@LeanHelsinki)2013-09-14 06:41:53
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
startups_rt - 3LeanHelsinki - 2
TuomoAura - 1
therttua - 1
hellwolf - 1
KolmeLab - 1
speak2ab - 1
StartupsBeat - 1
aaltoes - 1
TaaviLindmaa - 1
Most shared links
http://herttua.tumblr.com/post/61348767951/lean-for-real-lsm-helsinki-lessons-learned - 1Related tags
leanstartup - 23leanhelsinki - 23
aaltoes - 20
startup - 20
startupsauna - 20