Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
#fosdem #hadoop #storm
— pechodelata (@aa_salinas)2013-02-03 07:58:19
I'm attending 'A real-time architecture using #Hadoop & #Storm.' (Day 2 at 14:00 @ K.4.601) #fosdem
— Jakub Jarosz (@jakubjarosz)2013-02-03 07:38:09
In less than 2h I will present a realtime architecture using #Hadoop & #Storm at #FOSDEM. K4.601
— Nathan Bijnens (@nathan_gs)2013-02-03 06:22:58
Will be spending most of my time at the #python devroom. Will also check #mongdb internals and #hadoop #storm presentation #fosdem
— Jelle Smet (@smetj)2013-02-03 05:02:36
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
nathan_gs - 5huitseeker - 2
gvanlandeghem - 2
bennycolyn - 1
aa_salinas - 1
rusinsky - 1
mhausenblas - 1
smetj - 1
ae_bm - 1
jcremy - 1
Most shared links - 2 - 2 - 1
Related tags
fosdem - 24storm - 24
hadoop - 23
bigdata - 2
python - 1
mongdb - 1