Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
Conveying everything in full/rich detail? Need a lower bandwidth way to communicate, knowing we filter it. #TestRetreat
— Claire Moss (@aclairefication)2013-08-24 12:19:30
Trying to summarize data involves interpretation, so taking responsibility for making it valid. Providing answers? #TestRetreat
— Claire Moss (@aclairefication)2013-08-24 12:19:02
Emerging #ux validation idea at #testretreat from me, @CMLalley, @mkltesthead: cycling @EdwardTufte quilts of webcam reactions to features
— Thomas Vaniotis (@tvaniotis)2013-08-24 12:18:55
Dashboards as a daily task/checkup vs personal encounters that are occasional/frequent - validity issues? #TestRetreat
— Claire Moss (@aclairefication)2013-08-24 12:18:25
have to go do stuff outside for awhile, will try to catch up on #TestRetreat tweets & @mkltesthead's live blog later!
— lisacrispin (@lisacrispin)2013-08-24 12:17:54
RT @testchick: If you couldn't make it to #testretreat, follow @mkltesthead live blog for the next best thing: http://t.co/4DMt0iqHMu @jool…
— mubbashir (@mubbashir)2013-08-24 12:17:25
RT @testchick: There are testers that are spec verifiers & testers that report risks @mheusser #TestRetreat
— mubbashir (@mubbashir)2013-08-24 12:15:28
Blink tests - can't read the text but see what jumps out at you. @CompassQuality #TestRetreat
— Claire Moss (@aclairefication)2013-08-24 12:15:17
RT @aclairefication: Interesting inclusion of UX testing in this #testing visualization discussion #TestRetreat
— MyRetweet (@MyReweets)2013-08-24 12:15:08
RT @testchick: There are testers that are spec verifiers & testers that report risks @mheusser #TestRetreat
— Claire Moss (@aclairefication)2013-08-24 12:14:49
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
aclairefication - 281mheusser - 48
testchick - 29
erikld - 15
MyReweets - 14
SimonSaysNoMore - 11
tvaniotis - 11
CMLalley - 11
andytinkham - 10
mkltesthead - 9
Most shared links
http://ow.ly/21Ctqk - 6http://bit.ly/aclaire - 5
http://testerthoughts.com - 5
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chernoff_face - 4
http://goo.gl/qJoIjB - 3
http://ow.ly/i/2XPnG - 2
http://ow.ly/21CEVG - 1
http://thesocialtester.co.uk/t-shaped-tester-square-shaped-team/ - 1
https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/116093045036548689528/albums/5923634617018132193/5925665050357707074?authkey=CKizg7DK49DWvQE&pid=59256650 - 1
https://www.facebook.com/events/612767845400452/?fref=ts - 1
Related tags
TestRetreat - 559Cast2013 - 49
testing - 41
ux - 9
Empathy - 5
Personas - 5
UserStories - 5
somewhere - 4
tonight - 4
MiagiDo - 3