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Webcast 6/29 @ 10amPT w/ @yashh & Marty "How #Pinterest architected their Mysql Datastore" #velocityconf
— O'Reilly Webcasts (@OReillyWebcasts)2012-06-28 23:10:04
RT @OReillyWebcasts: Webcast 6/29 @ 10amPT w/ @yashh & Marty "How #Pinterest architected their Mysql Datastore" #velocityconf http:/ ...
— Rellix (@Rellix)2012-06-28 09:07:33
RT @OReillyMedia: Webcast 6/29 @ 10amPT w/ @yashh & Marty "How #Pinterest architected their Mysql Datastore" #velocityconf http://t. ...
— Courtney Gartin (@cgartin_21)2012-06-28 08:53:32
RT @OReillyMedia: Webcast 6/29 @ 10amPT w/ @yashh & Marty "How #Pinterest architected their Mysql Datastore" #velocityconf http://t. ...
— Kevin (@KevinFitts)2012-06-28 08:51:16
Webcast 6/29 @ 10amPT w/ @yashh & Marty "How #Pinterest architected their Mysql Datastore" #velocityconf
— O'Reilly Media (@OReillyMedia)2012-06-28 08:50:04
Webcast 6/29 @ 10amPT w/ @yashh & Marty "How #Pinterest architected their Mysql Datastore" #velocityconf
— O'Reilly Webcasts (@OReillyWebcasts)2012-06-28 08:45:07
RT @thewebvy: In March of 2010, #Pinterest had just 1 MySQL database and 1 engineer, today's numbers are closer to 80/25. #scalability # ...
— Rob Hunter (@rjhunter)2012-06-27 19:22:43
#pinterest has a crazy complicated MySql shard scheme on the go. Holy #NIH Guys, go back and watch Dr Cook's preso. #velocityconf
— Patrick McFadin (@PatrickMcFadin)2012-06-27 19:19:43
RT @mdjanderson: #pinterest sharding for future scale by starting w/shards of shards w/federated mapping IDs to locate them #velocityconf
— Gene Kim (@RealGeneKim)2012-06-27 19:16:13
#pinterest sharding for future scale by starting with shards of shards with federated mapping IDs to locate them #velocityconf
— Martin Anderson (@mdjanderson)2012-06-27 19:13:49
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