Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
#SeConf2013 is under way!
— David Burns (@AutomatedTester)2013-06-11 09:11:54
The First ever Live Stream of #SeConf is so cool. #selenium #seconf2013
— Manoj Kumar (@manoj9788)2013-06-11 09:06:22
RT @detronizator: Second day of #SeConf2013 is about to begin. Hope my talk goes well: I just want to spread the #GhostLove
— Brendan Mannix (@b_mannix)2013-06-11 08:58:20
Second day of #SeConf2013 is about to begin. Hope my talk goes well: I just want to spread the #GhostLove
— Ivan De Marino (@detronizator)2013-06-11 08:48:07
#hackerspace сделали отличный доклад на #seconf2013 #se2013
— Dmitry Levchuk (@levchuk_dima)2013-06-11 07:05:53
Look for me and @katiemaillet representing @ConstantContact at @seleniumconf tomorrow and Wednesday #seconf2013
— Justin Souders (@JSoudersCTCT)2013-06-10 21:27:59
RT @jlipps: Landed in Boston, excited for the @AppiumDevs and @saucelabs workshop tomorrow at #seconf2013! There are rumors of robots being…
— Sauce Labs (@saucelabs)2013-06-10 11:50:36
@SeleniumConf "Casual seafood" gets me ~8 places for dinner a short walk from #seconf. Seeking advice & chat for 7PMish meal #seconf2013
— Aaron Pailthorp (@BucketDrop)2013-06-09 16:50:11
RT @jlipps: Landed in Boston, excited for the @AppiumDevs and @saucelabs workshop tomorrow at #seconf2013! There are rumors of robots being…
— Jason Carr (@maudineormsby)2013-06-09 16:43:23
Landed in Boston, excited for the @AppiumDevs and @saucelabs workshop tomorrow at #seconf2013! There are rumors of robots being involved...
— Jonathan Lipps (@jlipps)2013-06-09 16:39:20
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
mubbashir - 3feelobot - 3
manoj9788 - 3
dhpe - 3
testingb0t - 2
santius - 2
m8ttyb - 2
levchuk_dima - 2
AutomatedTester - 1
BucketDrop - 1
Most shared links - 4 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1
Related tags
seconf2013 - 41seconf - 6
se2013 - 3
GhostLove - 2
selenium - 2
hackerspace - 2
RiskMgmtProgram - 2
RisingStars - 1
cucumber - 1
Hack - 1