Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @PierreYves_: 4 techniques pour construire son MVP #LeanStartUp #Entrepreneuriat http://t.co/n6AV9ihMsu
— Damien Varron (@damusnet)2013-04-08 17:14:37
4 techniques pour construire son MVP #LeanStartUp #Entrepreneuriat http://t.co/n6AV9ihMsu
— Pierre-Yves Sage (@PierreYves_)2013-04-08 15:11:09
Le Lean Design Thinking est-il la prochaine étape? http://t.co/tRUVJJ7jcI #Entrepreneuriat #DesignThinking #LeanStartUp
— Pierre-Yves Sage (@PierreYves_)2013-02-26 00:35:38
#Entrepreneuriat: #Effectuation et lean startups, points communs et différences http://t.co/mEDcPeHm #leanstartup
— bastien_gallay (@bastien_gallay)2013-02-19 02:47:09
Startup Weekend Paris : entrainement intensif à l’entrepreneuriat http://t.co/PrXZ887P #leanstartup #entrepreneuriat #startupweekend
— Yoann Lesouef (@YoannLesouef)2013-02-18 06:10:06
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
miduchateau - 6OnBPlan - 5
Pietondelair - 3
Solygambas - 3
PierreYves_ - 2
CJD_Belgique - 1
damusnet - 1
YoannLesouef - 1
LesSupelec - 1
azermati - 1
Most shared links
http://www.onbusinessplan.fr/formation-entrepreneuriat-creation-startup/ - 9http://ow.ly/op9Jl - 7
http://ow.ly/jRwlM - 3
http://www.onbusinessplan.fr/formation-lean-startup/ - 2
http://ow.ly/oThx3 - 2
http://lesinfographies.com/the-lean-startup/ - 1
http://4sq.com/1gOOkIG - 1
http://goo.gl/ACv8X - 1
http://ow.ly/i2BtI - 1
http://ow.ly/op99o - 1
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entrepreneuriat - 35leanstartup - 29
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startup - 3
DesignThinking - 1