Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @soonernationmc: “@KhalidRudo: "Soup companies make soup, car companies make cars, tech companies make innovation" Andreesen Horowitz #l…
— Lonestar IT (@IT_Texas)2013-12-14 11:59:53
RT @AKGold11: "What does it mean to be working? We have this factory model...that has so little to do with what you create." @photomatt #l…
— Glen Burnett (@originalglen)2013-12-14 09:28:00
RT @obscurerichard: .@jezhumble The ThoughtWorks deployment process at the dawn of Continuous Deployment was called "Conan the Deployer" #L…
— The Lean Startup (@leanstartup)2013-12-11 17:39:35
RT @eoi: El ingrediente secreto es que no hay ingrediente secreto...Pero hay que llegar al corazón @nestor_guerra http://t.co/6iz12MLm24 #L…
— alb Procurement (@alb_Procurement)2013-12-11 17:13:05
RT @eoi: El ingrediente secreto es que no hay ingrediente secreto...Pero hay que llegar al corazón @nestor_guerra http://t.co/6iz12MLm24 #L…
— Arriagaasesores (@Arriagaasesor)2013-12-11 17:11:50
RT @eoi: El ingrediente secreto es que no hay ingrediente secreto...Pero hay que llegar al corazón @nestor_guerra http://t.co/6iz12MLm24 #L…
— Dr Pérez-González (@dr_jcpg)2013-12-11 14:51:04
RT @leanstartup: "If you look at startups over time, it's surprising how many companies are flat for two years before going up." @cdixon #L…
— NO-COMPLY (@NOCOMPLYDesigns)2013-12-11 12:45:07
RT @CynthiaMaxey: "Entrepreneurs overtrain on how to pitch to VCs & undertrain on how to have ideas that VCs can't resist funding" @a16z #L…
— Everett Harper (@everettharper)2013-12-11 10:53:53
RT @drice: Great to see Toyota transparent about challenges with Lean Startup when they inspired the approach to better business growth. #l…
— David J Bland (@davidjbland)2013-12-10 23:54:01
RT @leanstartup: "If you look at startups over time, it's surprising how many companies are flat for two years before going up." @cdixon #L…
— William Mansfield (@PatentMansfield)2013-12-10 21:34:51
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