Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @java_ce: Camisas prontas pra serem entregue no #JunkFood hj. #QConSP #JavaCE @handersonbf http://t.co/O3xQpWUU http://t.co/ifSkTLpn
— Gesiel Rios Lopes (@gesielrios)2012-08-02 10:44:20
RT @rodrigoy: Estará no #QConSP? Aprenda sobre Kanban além de post-its e limites. #A3 #Lean #TOC #Kaizen #RiskMngt #pmot http://t.co/9Tu ...
— celsokitamura (@celsokitamura)2012-08-02 09:40:43
RT @java_ce: Camisas prontas pra serem entregue no #JunkFood hj. #QConSP #JavaCE @handersonbf http://t.co/O3xQpWUU http://t.co/ifSkTLpn
— matheusmoura (@matheusmoura)2012-08-02 09:24:57
RT @matheusmoura: Camisas prontas pra serem entregue no #JunkFood hj. #QConSP #JavaCE @handersonbf http://t.co/srkebzQL
— Yuri Adams (@yuriadams)2012-08-02 09:23:15
Camisas prontas pra serem entregue no #JunkFood hj. #QConSP #JavaCE @handersonbf http://t.co/O3xQpWUU http://t.co/ifSkTLpn
— JavaCE - JUG Ceará (@java_ce)2012-08-02 09:12:40
RT @matheusmoura: Camisas prontas pra serem entregue no #JunkFood hj. #QConSP #JavaCE @handersonbf http://t.co/dAasd0Sv
— Handerson Frota (@handersonbf)2012-08-02 09:09:46
RT @matheusmoura: Camisas prontas pra serem entregue no #JunkFood hj. #QConSP #JavaCE @handersonbf http://t.co/O3xQpWUU
— JavaCE - JUG Ceará (@java_ce)2012-08-02 09:09:45
Camisas prontas pra serem entregue no #JunkFood hj. #QConSP #JavaCE @handersonbf http://t.co/srkebzQL
— matheusmoura (@matheusmoura)2012-08-02 09:06:18
RT @DextraSistemas: Sábado tem @feroult no #QConSP c/ palestra "Rumo ao #DevOps: 80 iterações depois e aquilo que não está nos livros" h ...
— Marcos Alves (@mvmalves)2012-08-02 07:43:55
RT @paulo_caelum: No #QConSP a #Caelum anunciará mais de uma grande novidade!
— Francisco Martins (@franciscomxs)2012-08-02 07:30:39
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
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Most shared links
http://www.slideshare.net/jezhumble/21-century-software - 49http://www.CasaDoCodigo.com.br - 27
http://www.slideshare.net/eshiota/responsive-web-design-e-a-ubiquidade-da-web - 26
http://bit.ly/Muxzpj - 21
http://Globo.com - 21
http://www.slideshare.net/rponte/migrations-for-java-qconsp2013 - 17
http://j.mp/1a6Q8MB - 16
http://www.thoughtworks.com/events/join-revolution-tour-august-2012 - 15
http://soujava.org.br/2013/07/29/soujava-na-qcon-2013/ - 14
http://www.slideshare.net/fabiokung/dicas-e-truques-para-ser-um-bom-inquilino-no-cloud - 14
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qconsp - 4847QConSP2013 - 82
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github - 48
caelum - 46
in - 45
qcon2012 - 42