Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @nohz: If you don't pay down technical debt, you will be telling your friends you haven't shipped a feature in a year. @RealGeneKim #ag…
— Fortrel (@fortrel)2013-08-09 21:50:43
RT @nohz: If you don't pay down technical debt, you will be telling your friends you haven't shipped a feature in a year. @RealGeneKim #ag…
— Cristian Olarasu (@cristianctin)2013-08-09 21:47:34
RT @nohz: If you don't pay down technical debt, you will be telling your friends you haven't shipped a feature in a year. @RealGeneKim #ag…
— Mihai Claudiu Toader (@mtoader)2013-08-09 21:06:40
RT @nohz: If you don't pay down technical debt, you will be telling your friends you haven't shipped a feature in a year. @RealGeneKim #ag…
— ☕ J. B. Rainsberger (@jbrains)2013-08-09 21:06:10
RT @nohz: If you don't pay down technical debt, you will be telling your friends you haven't shipped a feature in a year. @RealGeneKim #ag…
— Bressain Dinkelman (@dinkelburt)2013-08-09 15:20:05
RT @mattbarcomb: An issue with Shu-Ha-Ri is that it only has 3 stages of learning and its linear. Please remember it’s only a metaphor. #Ag…
— Karthik Vijayakumar (@karthikvk)2013-08-09 14:16:54
RT @mattbarcomb: An issue with Shu-Ha-Ri is that it only has 3 stages of learning and its linear. Please remember it’s only a metaphor. #Ag…
— Peio Roth (@pierreroth64)2013-08-09 13:33:30
RT @nohz: If you don't pay down technical debt, you will be telling your friends you haven't shipped a feature in a year. @RealGeneKim #ag…
— wylieburt (@wylieburt)2013-08-09 13:27:22
RT @nohz: If you don't pay down technical debt, you will be telling your friends you haven't shipped a feature in a year. @RealGeneKim #ag…
— Craig Smith (@smithcdau)2013-08-09 12:51:37
RT @nohz: If you don't pay down technical debt, you will be telling your friends you haven't shipped a feature in a year. @RealGeneKim #ag…
— Sharon Robson (@SMRobson)2013-08-09 12:51:09
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