Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @leanstartup: What will be most revolutionary startup change in next 5 years? "#Crowdfunding will be very big." @a16z @cdixon #LeanStart…
— Dream Funded (@DreamFunded)2013-12-12 11:27:31
RT @leanstartup: What will be most revolutionary startup change in next 5 years? "#Crowdfunding will be very big." @a16z @cdixon #LeanStart…
— penyi (@1chris_addo)2013-12-12 02:18:29
RT @leanstartup: What will be most revolutionary startup change in next 5 years? "#Crowdfunding will be very big." @a16z @cdixon #LeanStart…
— Pames ॐ (@Pamela_mx)2013-12-10 22:37:21
RT @leanstartup: What will be most revolutionary startup change in next 5 years? "#Crowdfunding will be very big." @a16z @cdixon #LeanStart…
— Cristina M (@CMMcIntire)2013-12-10 22:10:56
RT @leanstartup: What will be most revolutionary startup change in next 5 years? "#Crowdfunding will be very big." @a16z @cdixon #LeanStart…
— Kemp Maxwell (@KempMaxwell)2013-12-10 21:35:00
RT @leanstartup: What will be most revolutionary startup change in next 5 years? "#Crowdfunding will be very big." @a16z @cdixon #LeanStart…
— William Mansfield (@PatentMansfield)2013-12-10 21:34:06
RT @leanstartup: What will be most revolutionary startup change in next 5 years? "#Crowdfunding will be very big." @a16z @cdixon #LeanStart…
— Archna Sahay (@ArchnaSahay)2013-12-10 21:27:24
RT @leanstartup: What will be most revolutionary startup change in next 5 years? "#Crowdfunding will be very big." @a16z @cdixon #LeanStart…
— José Luis De Alba (@Jou_DeAlba)2013-12-10 21:26:13
RT @leanstartup: What will be most revolutionary startup change in next 5 years? "#Crowdfunding will be very big." @a16z @cdixon #LeanStart…
— Ariena (@angeniariena)2013-12-10 21:25:44
RT @leanstartup: What will be most revolutionary startup change in next 5 years? "#Crowdfunding will be very big." @a16z @cdixon #LeanStart…
— Nathan Monk (@Cowboytweets)2013-12-10 21:24:38
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
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WinAHome4Life - 3
eoi - 3
mADtivity - 2
vigwallet - 2
Most shared links - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 3 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2
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CROWDFUNDING - 127leanstartup - 111
startup - 45
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founder - 18
LeanStart - 14
Startups - 11
incubator - 8
venturecapital - 8
CrowdSourcing - 7