Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @Searchcamp: .@aevoragala is telling us his #LeanStartup story, including the major pivot he made during #Searchcamp #EvolvWknd http://t…
— Antonio Évora Gala (@aevoragala)2013-11-16 17:40:07
.@aevoragala is telling us his #LeanStartup story, including the major pivot he made during #Searchcamp #EvolvWknd http://t.co/6zLOfH3GQf
— Searchcamp (@Searchcamp)2013-11-16 15:27:59
RT @LeanNorthEast: A lot of #leanstartup going on this weekend, follow #EvolvWknd #swsheffield for pearls of wisdom
— GrowthFunders (@growthfunders)2013-11-16 12:58:52
RT @LeanNorthEast: A lot of #leanstartup going on this weekend, follow #EvolvWknd #swsheffield for pearls of wisdom
— Searchcamp (@Searchcamp)2013-11-16 10:52:29
RT @LeanNorthEast: A lot of #leanstartup going on this weekend, follow #EvolvWknd #swsheffield for pearls of wisdom
— Bootstrapconf (@Bootstrapconf)2013-11-16 10:45:57
Thanks very much :) RT @LeanNorthEast: A lot of #leanstartup going on this weekend, follow #EvolvWknd #swsheffield for pearls of wisdom
— Shef Startup Weekend (@SWSheffield)2013-11-16 10:45:17
RT @LeanNorthEast: A lot of #leanstartup going on this weekend, follow #EvolvWknd #swsheffield for pearls of wisdom
— Julie Sharpe (@JulieSharpe)2013-11-16 10:44:23
A lot of #leanstartup going on this weekend, follow #EvolvWknd #swsheffield for pearls of wisdom
— Lean North East (@LeanNorthEast)2013-11-16 10:43:32
RT @bobby_paterson: Stellar first night at #EvolvWknd M'Boro - stellar session from @jordups and @LeonPals #bmgen #LeanStartup
— Jordan Schlipf (@jordups)2013-11-16 06:42:41
RT @CraigAPeterson: "@Searchcamp: Setting up for day 2 of #EvolvWknd boom!" - #leanstartup hits the north east. Best wishes to all of the …
— Searchcamp (@Searchcamp)2013-11-16 05:07:03
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
Searchcamp - 11bobby_paterson - 6
startupfndtn - 5
LeonPals - 4
LeanNorthEast - 3
Chard6 - 3
veronicatorras - 2
lovembro - 2
JOng25 - 2
eventsneaker - 2
Most shared links
https://www.eventbrite.nl/e/tickets-lean-startup-conference-dutch-live-stream-8477150385 - 7http://startupfoundation.co/portfolio-item/evolv-weekend-rotterdam-22-24-nov/ - 6
http://buff.ly/HsJz9T - 5
http://bit.ly/1g7cAp8 - 3
http://instagram.com/p/XUv8UmwwC9/ - 2
http://twitter.com/Chard6/status/402918686534533120/photo/1 - 1
http://instagram.com/p/XhQsHHi9t9/ - 1
Related tags
EvolvWknd - 78leanstartup - 72
startups - 8
custdev - 7
swsheffield - 6
LeanSta - 5
Searchcamp - 3
lean - 2
validationboard - 2
StartupPort - 2