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RT @thewebvy: In March of 2010, #Pinterest had 1 MySQL database &1 engineer, today's numbers are closer to 80/25. #scalability #velocityconf
— Gene Kim (@RealGeneKim)2012-06-27 19:01:22
RT @thewebvy: In March of 2010, #Pinterest had just 1 MySQL database and 1 engineer, today's numbers are closer to 80/25. #scalability # ...
— Mark Barger (@mark_barger)2012-06-27 19:00:41
In March of 2010, #Pinterest had just 1 MySQL database and 1 engineer, today's numbers are closer to 80/25. #scalability #velocityconf
— Mike Vysocka (@thewebvy)2012-06-27 19:00:15
RT @OReillyMedia: Webcast 6/29 @ 10amPT w/ @yashh & Marty "How #Pinterest architected their Mysql Datastore" #velocityconf http://t. ...
— Gustavo Arizmendi (@gusarizmendi)2012-06-27 12:24:54
RT @OReillyMedia: Webcast 6/29 @ 10amPT w/ @yashh & Marty "How #Pinterest architected their Mysql Datastore" #velocityconf http://t. ...
— MJL (@MattADPCareers)2012-06-27 10:21:42
RT @OReillyMedia: Webcast 6/29 @ 10amPT w/ @yashh & Marty "How #Pinterest architected their Mysql Datastore" #velocityconf http://t. ...
— Kevin Kline (@kekline)2012-06-27 10:21:25
RT @OReillyMedia: Webcast 6/29 @ 10amPT w/ @yashh & Marty "How #Pinterest architected their Mysql Datastore" #velocityconf http://t. ...
— Max White (@Media_140)2012-06-27 10:18:33
Webcast 6/29 @ 10amPT w/ @yashh & Marty "How #Pinterest architected their Mysql Datastore" #velocityconf
— O'Reilly Media (@OReillyMedia)2012-06-27 10:10:06
Watching an interesting #velocityconf interview about the stuff #pinterest has done in order to scale....
— Ben Kepes (@benkepes)2012-06-26 17:14:49
RT @OReillyMedia: Webcast 6/29 @ 10amPT w/ @yashh & Marty "How #Pinterest architected their Mysql Datastore" #velocityconf http://t. ...
— // mellodev (@mellodev)2012-06-26 13:30:59
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
PinWoot - 9OReillyWebcasts - 5
OReillyMedia - 4
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landier - 2
mahinthjoe - 2
Media_140 - 2
mellodev - 1
Most shared links - 12 - 9 - 1
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Pinterest - 54velocityconf - 29
leanstartup - 9
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scalability - 4
velocitycon - 3
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OpsChef - 1
Joyent - 1