Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
Solving the Right Problem and Finding Your Own Solution: Interview with Don Norman http://t.co/a62NE2rplc #leanUX #leanstartup #design #UX
— Ryan Smith (@ryan_twinenglab)2014-01-08 19:07:06
Interested in the #nextwave of #html5 #webapps? Look at our #webdesign #ux. #LeanStartup #Design-Thinking #Entrepreneurs #Startups #Design
— Cash Clamber (@CashClamber)2014-01-08 07:07:48
RT @romanpichler: 10 Tips for Writing Great Personas using Lean Startup & Scrum: http://t.co/3Xnr9KKDQA #agile #prodmgmt #Persona #UX #lean…
— paul_mock (@mock_paul)2014-01-05 00:52:52
Users Know: Maybe You're Just Delusional http://t.co/8Nn2pBRsbe #leanstartup #ux
— LEANHEROES (@leanheroes)2014-01-04 04:01:31
RT @yoemprendo: Designing Features Using Job Stories http://t.co/LPnLD2g1cd vía @NYCWebgrrls #ux #custdev #leanstartup
— Celso L. Masid (@CelsoMasid)2014-01-03 03:23:43
RT @paulklipp: Whom should I credit with first making the distinction between a MINIMUM viable product and a minimum VIABLE product? #UX #l…
— Peter Stoyko (@Prugelmeister)2013-12-31 12:04:27
Whom should I credit with first making the distinction between a MINIMUM viable product and a minimum VIABLE product? #UX #leanstartup
— Paul Klipp (@paulklipp)2013-12-31 11:58:12
Read @FirstRound's 30 pieces of advice to start 2014 right. Their blog is killing it, by the way. http://t.co/ryBqvunQ6d #ux #leanstartup
— David Peter Simon (@davidpetersimon)2013-12-31 06:55:00
RT @jboogie: I found a site yesterday that ships the #leanuxbook anywhere in the world for free: http://t.co/RkdSe4Q4OP #leanux #agile #ux …
— LEANHEROES (@leanheroes)2013-12-31 05:36:04
RT @jboogie: I found a site yesterday that ships the #leanuxbook anywhere in the world for free: http://t.co/RkdSe4Q4OP #leanux #agile #ux …
— lane halley (@thinknow)2013-12-30 22:54:09
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
Ultraman - 45adrianh - 33
AlexOnUX - 26
welovelean - 17
natwar86 - 16
jboogie - 14
startupSQUARE - 12
CashClamber - 12
LeanCircleSF - 10
LUXrco - 9
Most shared links
http://trik.ro/Zkbnmq - 73http://oreil.ly/18XrYCH - 17
http://bit.ly/LUBZql - 17
http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920021827.do - 15
http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920021827.do# - 14
http://www.gamedevacademy.org/lean-ux-for-beginners/ - 14
http://www.slideshare.net/romanpichler/introduction-to-the-product-canvas/ - 13
http://feltpresence.com/articles/9-what-happens-to-user-experience-in-a-minimum-viable-product - 12
http://bit.ly/11EJ16v - 10
https://neo.com/2013/01/14/running-multiple-lean-teams-at-once - 10
Related tags
UX - 1121leanstartup - 836
leanux - 235
agile - 161
Agile2012 - 91
Lean - 82
design - 70
startups - 68
MVP - 41
prodmgnt - 38