Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
In the presence of greatness all week at #ayeconf has left me both humbled and energized beyond compare. Thank you all for your gifts!
— Larry Dorman (@LDorman)2012-11-09 12:16:26
RT @MartinNilsson8: "All the answers are inside you" gives no options and no support @johannarothman #AYEConf
— Michael J. Tardiff (@mjt)2012-11-09 12:14:53
RT @MartinNilsson8: "Coaching is offering options with support" @johannarothman at #AYEConf
— Michael J. Tardiff (@mjt)2012-11-09 12:14:50
RT @mark_richdata: #ayeconf @estherderby on definition of a successful team - "a good outcome AND a good experience"
— Lonnie Weaver-Johnso (@Lonniewj)2012-11-09 11:38:27
#ayeconf attendees, did you know there is a LinkedIn group to join? Called AYEConference. Please join.
— Lonnie Weaver-Johnso (@Lonniewj)2012-11-09 11:33:47
“@ken_power: Thank you @donaldegray @estherderby @JerryWeinberg @johannarothman and all participants for an amazing final #AYEconf” Me: +1
— Tobias Fors (@tofo)2012-11-09 10:55:10
Ha! I’m sitting right in front of @phtschneider on the flight to DC! #ayeconf
— Andrea Chiou (@andreachiou)2012-11-09 10:25:33
RT @phtschneider: #AYEconf The quality of the code will only be as good as the quality of the interactions between the people who create ...
— Florian Thiel (@noroute)2012-11-09 10:12:33
Thank you @donaldegray @estherderby @JerryWeinberg @johannarothman and all participants for an amazing final #AYEconf
— Ken Power (@ken_power)2012-11-09 10:04:57
.@estherderby How to justify $1M "management by results is not the way to get good results…work on the causes of results” (Deming) #AYEConf
— Ben Woznicki (@benWoz)2012-11-09 09:54:48
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
lynn_mckee - 66andreachiou - 26
JeroenVanMenen - 18
edschweppe - 15
michaeldotjames - 14
andrev - 11
joPerold - 10
henkeandersson - 10
leohepis - 10
johannarothman - 8
Most shared links
http://bit.ly/Q9Stxc - 7http://ScrumMasterChecklist.org - 3
http://amzn.com/k/y4HvmgKWQGactkVv-IKTAw - 3
https://leanpub.com/WhoIsAgile - 3
http://ScrumReferenceCard.com - 3
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fundamental_attribution_error - 2
http://www.amazon.com/Influencing-Patterns-For-Change-Dynamics/dp/1440415927 - 1
http://4sq.com/Qaz66A - 1
http://twitpic.com/baviux - 1
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OODA_loop - 1
Related tags
ayeconf - 419aye2012 - 11
agile2012 - 7
oredev - 6
esconfs - 6
systemsthinking - 4
scna - 3
leadingchange - 1
leanprocrastination - 1
btswsib - 1