Recent Tweets

Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:


What can we gather from the tweets?

Most active Tweeps

MyResLoc - 28
V1SH6L - 24
Pitch140x - 23
iSelfHealth - 23
D3EKSHA - 22
VishalTx - 22
TheMBAClub - 21
StartupHuddle - 21
TCELab - 20
ChaiRepublic - 19

Most shared links

http://bit.ly/PGMQBt - 70
http://bit.ly/PrDri7 - 68
http://bit.ly/Vm0KPh - 42
http://bit.ly/PqoMno - 41
http://bit.ly/TxB7KK - 41
http://bit.ly/NEdZYd - 39
http://bit.ly/QFkOGB - 38
http://bit.ly/VcI30m - 34
http://bit.ly/Qr2y6E - 32
http://bit.ly/Vs8oaN - 31

Related tags

Innovation - 533
CEM - 533
leanstartup - 533
CXP - 533
business - 533
TCE - 532
yyj - 1