Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @mwinkle: Slides from my talk on #Hadoop, #BigData talk at #CodeMash http://t.co/lt02usJC
— Nicolas Morey (@moreychn)2013-01-10 15:41:07
RT @mwinkle: Slides from my talk on #Hadoop, #BigData talk at #CodeMash http://t.co/lt02usJC
— paco nathan (@pacoid)2013-01-10 15:11:14
RT @mwinkle: Slides from my talk on #Hadoop, #BigData talk at #CodeMash http://t.co/lt02usJC
— Aram S. Openden (@aramcodez)2013-01-10 15:03:09
Slides from my talk on #Hadoop, #BigData talk at #CodeMash http://t.co/lt02usJC
— Matt Winkler (@mwinkle)2013-01-10 14:59:26
Case de sucesso da busca textual e extração de informações dos processos do TJDFT na trilha Java! #hadoop #lucene #java @TheDevConf #tdc2012
— Filipe Portes (@filipeportes)2012-10-20 15:35:21
Listening #Agile2012 'optimizing #Hadoop unit testing' great talk! #BigData
— Lynn Langit (@lynnlangit)2012-08-16 14:57:39
Anyone wanna chat #Cassandra or #Hadoop at #VelocityConf? I'm near the bar/sushi lounge on the couches wearing a blue Lebowski shirt.
— Nathan Milford (@NathanMilford)2012-06-26 17:42:24
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
nathan_gs - 5SubliminalEd - 3
garyshort - 3
huitseeker - 2
gvanlandeghem - 2
thoolihan - 2
GraphDevRoom - 2
anthonydetamore - 1
mwinkle - 1
ydn - 1
Most shared links
http://bit.ly/11rsHcL - 8http://sdrv.ms/WvwooW - 5
http://datacrunchers.eu/article/real-time-architecture-using-hadoop-storm - 2
http://www.slideshare.net/nathan_gs/a-real-time-architecture-using-hadoop-and-storm - 2
http://instagr.am/p/VRQhmbFnDU/ - 1
Related tags
Hadoop - 57fosdem - 32
storm - 23
CodeMash - 20
BigData - 8
graphdb - 8
nos - 6
yahoohackusa - 2
windows - 2
nosql - 2