Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
Webcast 6/29 @ 10amPT w/ @yashh & Marty "How #Pinterest architected their Mysql Datastore" #velocityconfĀ
— O'Reilly Media (@OReillyMedia)2012-06-26 13:20:07
Webcast 6/29 @ 10amPT w/ @yashh & Marty "How #Pinterest architected their Mysql Datastore" #velocityconf
— O'Reilly Webcasts (@OReillyWebcasts)2012-06-26 08:45:08
RT @OReillyWebcasts: Webcast 6/29 @ 10amPT w/ @yashh & Marty "How #Pinterest architected their Mysql Datastore" #velocityconf http:/ ...
— Gustavo Arizmendi (@gusarizmendi)2012-06-24 22:48:33
Webcast 6/29 @ 10amPT w/ @yashh & Marty "How #Pinterest architected their Mysql Datastore" #velocityconf
— O'Reilly Webcasts (@OReillyWebcasts)2012-06-24 22:45:04
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
PinWoot - 9OReillyWebcasts - 5
OReillyMedia - 4
RealGeneKim - 2
crgutierrez - 2
gusarizmendi - 2
landier - 2
mahinthjoe - 2
Media_140 - 2
mellodev - 1
Most shared links - 12 - 9 - 1
Related tags
Pinterest - 54velocityconf - 29
leanstartup - 9
qconsp - 9
scalability - 4
velocitycon - 3
Hadoop - 1
PureCSS - 1
OpsChef - 1
Joyent - 1