Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
#agile2013 #kanbanaroo #nottompoppendieck http://t.co/9F6NRgKFMx
— Doc List (@athought)2013-08-06 23:25:18
RT @MCrank: @LeanKit #agile2013 Kanbanaroo going strong. Good food, music, and friends. What else is there... #kanbanaroo
— John Mathis (@johndmathis)2013-08-06 23:20:01
RT @LeanKit: We took the TARDIS from #agile2013 to our #kanbanaroo party site (on a BRIDGE!). Video footage here: http://t.co/rF3X4VcVes DO…
— Naomi Crowson (@CrowsonNaomi)2013-08-06 23:14:37
RT @MCrank: @LeanKit #agile2013 Kanbanaroo going strong. Good food, music, and friends. What else is there... #kanbanaroo
— Michael Cavopol (@mcavopol)2013-08-06 22:59:46
Thanks Jon. #kanbanaroo #agile2013
— theshawnlee (@theshawnlee)2013-08-06 22:45:22
RT @MCrank: @LeanKit #agile2013 Kanbanaroo going strong. Good food, music, and friends. What else is there... #kanbanaroo
— Hernán Ciudad (@hciudad)2013-08-06 22:43:58
@LeanKit #agile2013 Kanbanaroo going strong. Good food, music, and friends. What else is there... #kanbanaroo
— Marco Crank (@MCrank)2013-08-06 22:42:30
Great party! #kanbanaroo #agile2013 ohsnapitsleankit http://t.co/pBa98TUE7n
— Sofia Karagadayeva (@kiss_ka_k)2013-08-06 22:31:56
@LeanKit's #Kanbanaroo rages on. #Agile2013 http://t.co/aG6CSdhM7F
— Hernán Ciudad (@hciudad)2013-08-06 22:26:07
RT @mikeeedwards: Having a blast at the #kanbanaroo party at #agile2013
— LeadershipGift (@LeadershipGift)2013-08-06 22:14:59
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
techometry - 11danhounshell - 7
reverentgeek - 7
leankitjon - 7
MCrank - 6
kiss_ka_k - 6
LeanKit - 5
philwilson - 5
zbogomaz - 5
hciudad - 5
Most shared links
http://instagram.com/p/csf4CcRsaz/ - 2http://youtu.be/XyT4GSivgas - 1
https://twitter.com/LeanKit/lists/agile2013-kanbanaroo - 1
http://ow.ly/i/2OmUS - 1
http://youtu.be/QWCpEls9nPU - 1
https://vine.co/v/hbxUXbPOTdb - 1
http://instagram.com/p/csyV8wNkKT/ - 1
Related tags
kanbanaroo - 149agile2013 - 142
aintnobodygottimeforrain - 9
nottompoppendieck - 4
agile - 4
sarcasm - 2