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Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
just noticed that the program invites us to tweet at #lkce2013 rather than #lkce13
— Mike Burrows (@asplake)2013-11-04 03:54:14
So #lkce2013 instead of #lkce13? Waiting for the conference to start in the beautiful curio haus in hamburg.
— Yuval Yeret (@yuvalyeret)2013-11-04 03:32:02
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
AndreasGrosz - 3AS_ideAS - 2
yuvalyeret - 2
leankanbance - 2
strawbana - 2
gadz_er - 1
JeanClaudeBeard - 1
Ka_Sauer - 1
rdevans_net - 1
LeanKanban - 1
Most shared links - 1Related tags
lkce2013 - 52lkce13 - 52
BrickellKeyAward - 1