Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
Estimates are indications of potential problems upstream #noestimates #oredev @WoodyZuill
— Jakob Wolman (@jakobwolman)2013-11-07 04:08:25
RT @drunkcod: Planning is usually about what we think we want. Wonderful is often about what we can't imagine. ~ @WoodyZuill #NoEstimates #…
— Angela Harms (@angelaharms)2013-11-07 04:08:01
Planning is usually about what we think we want. Wonderful is often about what we can't imagine. ~ @WoodyZuill #NoEstimates #oredev
— Torbjörn Gyllebring (@drunkcod)2013-11-07 04:06:42
The things we're most offensive about is often the things we're most afraid of talking about ~ @WoodyZuill #NoEstimates #oredev
— Torbjörn Gyllebring (@drunkcod)2013-11-07 04:05:11
+1 RT @jakobwolman: .@WoodyZuill is a very humble speaker that really helps communicate his topics #oredev #noestimates
— Gitte Klitgaard (@NativeWired)2013-11-07 04:04:34
.@WoodyZuill is a very humble speaker that really helps communicate his topics #oredev #noestimates
— Jakob Wolman (@jakobwolman)2013-11-07 04:03:10
I'm not going to tell you how to work with #NoEstimates you'll need to figure that out ~ @WoodyZuill #oredev
— Torbjörn Gyllebring (@drunkcod)2013-11-07 04:02:16
RT @WoodyZuill: #NoEstimates at #Oredev - 10:00 in Andromeda. I invite you to join me as I ramble on aimlessly for a bit.
— Ville Svärd (@villesv)2013-11-07 03:32:42
RT @WoodyZuill: #NoEstimates at #Oredev - 10:00 in Andromeda. I invite you to join me as I ramble on aimlessly for a bit.
— Chris Lucian (@DeadlyApps)2013-11-07 03:25:35
#NoEstimates at #Oredev - 10:00 in Andromeda. I invite you to join me as I ramble on aimlessly for a bit.
— Woody Zuill (@WoodyZuill)2013-11-07 03:14:50
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
WoodyZuill - 28drunkcod - 13
jakobwolman - 10
neil_killick - 6
NoEstimates - 6
DerailleurAgile - 5
mheusser - 5
techometry - 4
markotaipale - 4
rodrigoy - 3
Most shared links - 7 - 5 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1
Related tags
noestimates - 225Agile2013 - 96
Oredev - 52
LeanStartup - 16
MobProgramming - 13
lkce13 - 12
LASTconf - 9
SAFe - 6
SDEC13 - 6
AgileTD - 6