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RT @agilecoach: TDD will slow down your #leanstartup only if your devs aren't yet experienced w/ it. #TDD is *faster* even short-term.
— Urs Enzler (@ursenzler)2013-04-22 14:12:30
RT @agilecoach: TDD will slow down your #leanstartup only if your devs aren't yet experienced w/ it. #TDD is *faster* even short-term.
— Chad Kohalyk (@chadkoh)2013-04-22 14:03:02
I first heard it from @testobsessed: #leanstartup is #tdd for business. Doesn't mean devs stop using best tools to run biz experiments.
— Rob Myers (@agilecoach)2013-04-22 12:35:58
RT @agilecoach: TDD will slow down your #leanstartup only if your devs aren't yet experienced w/ it. #TDD is *faster* even short-term.
— Adhir Ramjiawan (@adhir1989)2013-04-22 12:33:08
RT @agilecoach: How can I be for #TDD & quality *&* the notion of fail-fast & #leanstartup, you ask? You see a conflict???
— George Dinwiddie (@gdinwiddie)2013-04-22 12:30:33
TDD will slow down your #leanstartup only if your devs aren't yet experienced w/ it. #TDD is *faster* even short-term.
— Rob Myers (@agilecoach)2013-04-22 12:30:15
RT @agilecoach: How can I be for #TDD & quality *&* the notion of fail-fast & #leanstartup, you ask? You see a conflict???
— Brad Heintz (@bradheintz)2013-04-22 12:23:08
How can I be for #TDD & quality *&* the notion of fail-fast & #leanstartup, you ask? You see a conflict???
— Rob Myers (@agilecoach)2013-04-22 12:21:11
Check out what #refactoringdojo is all about @agiletd #agiletd #agile #tdd #refactoring #swcraft :
— Danijel (@darsenovski)2013-04-21 22:04:50
RT @jorgeoleques: Palestras submetidas para o #agileBR sobre #TDD e #CleanCode agora só esperar o resultado, vamo que vamo @m_andreazza
— Agile Brazil (@agilebrazil)2013-04-07 16:34:56
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